welsh labour membership numbers 2020

In recent years there has been some decline for Labour in Wales. members across the country through consultation responses and workshop events during stage one over the last year. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Extra £15.7m to increase contact tracing workforce in Wales. On 25 May Rhodri Morgan was again nominated as First Minister. Independent: Welsh National Party: 097 David Melding: South Wales Central: Conservative: 1999: Present 098 Sandy Mewies: Delyn: Labour: 2003: 2011 099 Alun Michael: Mid and West Wales: Labour: 1999: 2000 100 Tom Middlehurst: Alyn and Deeside: Labour: 1999: 2003 101 Jeremy Miles: Neath: Labour: 2016: Present 102 Darren Millar: Clwyd West: Conservative [15] However, the party faced criticism for seemingly backing away from a manifesto commitment to scrap home-care charges for the disabled. 03 Jan 2020 5 minutes Read. He has been a party member for eight years and a Flintshire County Councillor for six.He has been actively involved in numerous campaigns both nationally and locally, beginning with Flintshire Labour Group against the Housing Stock Transfer in 2011. Labour leader's bad night continues Keir Starmer's self-inflicted abysmal week continued on Thursday evening with a successful vote of no confidence by Labour members in Aberconwy. Welsh Labour’s biggest electoral challenge does not, therefore, come from political opposition, but embracing ever-popular ideas that are incompatible with their political doctrine. [7] Welsh Labour holds 22 of 40 Welsh seats in the UK Parliament, 29 of 60 seats in the Senedd, and 576 of 1,264 principal local authority councillors, including overall control of 10 of 22 Welsh local authorities. Starmer’s war on the left continues with suspension of Welsh Labour Grassroots Chair. Ten of these members – two for each of the five Assembly regions – are directly elected in an OMOV ballot every two years. Below is the full list of Labour Party regional candidates selected. It is the largest and most successful political party in modern Welsh politics. The Welsh Labour Government is making a record £75m investment in Active Travel next year. In the 2011 Welsh Assembly elections, Labour regained half of the seats in the National Assembly. Sophie is currently Secretary both of Cardiff West CLP and of the Cardiff Local Campaign Forum, as well as representing members across Wales on the National Policy Forum. There have been calls to expand the size of the 60-member Welsh Parliament - which was known as the National Assembly for Wales until May 2020 - for some time. Her priorities for Welsh Labour now would be: If elected, she would develop a relationship with Mid/West Wales CLPs, regularly reporting back to members. She was active in the One Member One Vote campaign for Welsh Leader and Deputy Leader elections. Having long been involved in the party in South Wales, she had resigned in the early 2000s for political and moral reasons. There’s a danger of over-hyping every year as a new beginning. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2008, A. Walling, "The Structure of Power in Labour Wales 1951–1964" in. It was not until May 1947, with the merger of the South Wales Regional Council of Labour and the constituency parties of north and mid-Wales, that an all-Wales unit of the Labour Party was formed, initially called the Welsh Regional Council of Labour. Eluned and I work well together as a strong Welsh Labour team.” Party members voted earlier this year to determine the Labour Party regional candidates. Because of this, the country’s 59 constituencies will not be able to deliver the large numbers of Labour MPs which tended in the past to bail out Labour in England. She wants Welsh Labour to take the lead in promoting socialist policies which put the well-being of ordinary people first and would be committed to accountabilty as a WEC rep, giving members the regular updates they have a right to expect. With its predecessor organisations, it has won the biggest share of the vote at every UK General Election since 1922, every Senedd election since 1999, and each European Parliament election from 1979 until 2004, as well as the 2014 one. Aneurin Bevan, for example, was routinely returned for Ebbw Vale with 80 per cent of the vote. In her working life, she has been a welfare rights worker, a safeguarding co-ordinator and independent social worker. He joined the Labour Party because of the socialist principles that have always been dear to his heart. The Welsh Executive Committee (WEC) is Welsh Labour’s ruling body, with 39 members representing all sections of the party in Wales. This collaborative approach contrasted with that of the Blair government's focus on introducing competition in public services, which Morgan argued placed insufficient emphasis on equality of outcome. Hard work. Ivan has been a Labour party member since 1980, serving in many positions, currently CLP Chair. He stated that he would stand down in autumn 2018, and that he would … Andy has represented North Wales party members on the WEC for the last four years. She is of mixed race heritage and is the BAME representative of her CLP. Efforts were made as early as 1911 to establish a Welsh version of the Independent Labour Party. This relative decline was eclipsed by a dramatic fall in Labour support at the 1983 General Election. Keir Hardie, the first leader of the Independent Labour Party, was elected as member for Merthyr Tydfil in 1900, and when the National Union of Mineworkers affiliated to the party in 1908, their four sponsored Welsh MPs became Labour MPs. Paragraph 6 of the LCM identifies the clauses which the Welsh Government The ballot for the 2020-22 term runs from 26 February to 25 March 2020. By the 1979 General Election Welsh Labour held 22 of the 36 Parliamentary seats, albeit with a 48 per cent vote share. The Welsh Parliament is the democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people. [8] In 2016, the Labour Party Conference voted for the office of leader of Welsh Labour to exist; as such, Mark Drakeford is now leader of Welsh Labour. Two words for YesCymru, Plaid, Welsh Labour and others for 2020: focus groups. And so on to 2020, and a new decade. It develops our thinking on those ideas and helps lay the foundations for the next Welsh Labour manifesto for the Assembly elections due to take place in May 2021. Other noted initiatives in Wales included free school breakfasts, free access to swimming pools for children in school holidays, and abolition of medical prescription fees. The pattern was similar in some 15 other seats in the area. Among those active in North Wales was David Thomas, who helped to found Caernarfonshire Labour Council in 1912 and the North Wales Labour Council in 1914. Less than two years later, at the first elections to the new Welsh Assembly, Labour was again humbled in its heartlands by Plaid Cymru, losing such totemic seats as Islwyn, Llanelli and Rhondda, though still winning the largest number of seats. As a committed socialist, Christine has been a Labour party member most of her adult life, holding many roles, and is currently Secretary of Dwyfor Meirionnydd CLP, as well as being Treasurer of UNITE North West Wales Community Branch. Welsh Labour holds 22 of 40 Welsh seats in the UK Parliament, 29 of 60 seats in the Senedd, … Sophie has been active in the Labour party from the age of sixteen, campaigning consistently for socialist policies and member-led democracy. The Welsh Executive Committee is made up of representatives from each section of the party - government, MPs, MSs, MEPs, councillors, trade unions and Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs – the basic unit of organisation throughout the Labour Party). In the 2017 general election, the decline in parliamentary elections was reversed – Labour raised its vote share to 48.9 per cent, its highest in a general election in Wales since 1997, winning 28 of the 40 Welsh seats in Westminster. He is a full-time officer for the PCS union and was a Cardiff Labour councillor from 2013 to 2017. Welsh Labour (Welsh: Llafur Cymru) is the branch of the United Kingdom Labour Party that operates in Wales. 5 This deadline was subsequently extended to 17 July 2020. As a socialist and trade unionist, Mark believes that we now need unity in our party to rebuild and back our leader. Love it or loathe it, the phrase Clear Red Water is an integral concept and consideration in Welsh politics. She was at the heart of Jeremy Corbyn’s two leadership campaigns in Wales. In the run-up to the elections, the party's nominee for First Secretary, Ron Davies, had been forced to resign amid an alleged sex scandal. A rampant Conservative Party, by contrast, captured 14 seats (including three of the four Cardiff constituencies) and exceeded 30 per cent of the vote for the second election in succession. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Looks like 77% of Labour members either support or are open to supporting an independence referendum – and only 16% are totally opposed. Twenty years later, that is more-or-less what Welsh Labour stands for, with former First Minister Carwyn Jones openly debating on Twitter whether all but a small number of reserved policy areas should now reside in Cardiff Bay, a stance that has open support from a number of Labour members of the Welsh Parliament. I would want to support enforcement for dangerous driving and regional awareness campaigns. Vote passes 87-34 Labour general secretary David Evans and a controversial statement he made Dulwich and West Norwood constituency Labour party (CLP) in south London has this evening passed a no-confidence motion in general secretary David Evans. Mark Drakeford, the party’s leader, has become one of the most recognisable First Ministers in 22 years of Welsh devolution. The candidates below are supported by Welsh Labour Grassroots, the network of left and centre-left party members. The bold policies we need from Welsh Labour’s next manifesto 17th June 2020 (18th June 2020) Politics and Policy covid 19 , elections 2021 , four day week , Green New Deal , … Twenty years later, that is more-or-less what Welsh Labour stands for, with former First Minister Carwyn Jones openly debating on Twitter whether all but a small number of reserved policy areas should now reside in Cardiff Bay, a stance that has open support from a number of Labour members of the Welsh Parliament. A committed trade unionist, she represents Unite the Union on Swansea East CLP GC and Executive Committee. It is vital that candidates are elected who will push for greater democratic accountability, a member-led policy process and for the party to be driven by clear socialist principles. The Wilson government gave Welsh Labour the chance to enact its promise (galvanised by the Conservative Party government's appointment of a Minister of Welsh Affairs in the mid-1950s) to create the post of Secretary of State for Wales and a Welsh Office. As Welsh Labour members we appeal to Mark Drakeford and our Welsh Labour Government to redouble their efforts and to push the limits of devolved powers to their utmost in order to reduce deaths from this pandemic and help rally the nation. His replacement, Alun Michael, the new Secretary of State for Wales, was seen as a reluctant participant despite an equivalent commitment to Welsh devolution. Welsh Labour. It is the largest and most successful political party in modern Welsh politics. He has also been an active trade unionist with TGWU/ Unite for 45 years, serving on the Executive Committee as the Agricultural Delegate for 36 years up to 2017. She believes that we need to encourage the active participation of Labour’s greatly expanded membership, through greater democracy and that the party must consistently value the input of grassroots members, not just at election times, and learn from their ideas. Currently Chair of both the North East & Mid Wales Area Activists Committee and the Welsh Labour Liaison Committee. As in the 1970s, the Nationalist challenge fell away, due in part to the replacement in 2000 of Alun Michael by Rhodri Morgan. He represented Welsh CLPs on the National Policy Forum from 2010 to 2015 and has been both a WEC and an NEC member since 2016. The 2016 Assembly elections saw the Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party nearly gain representation. Within three months, however, Gwynfor Evans sensationally captured Carmarthen for Plaid Cymru at a by-election and his party came within a whisker of victory at the 1967 Rhondda West and 1968 Caerphilly by-elections, achieving swings against Labour of 30 and 40 per cent respectively. Welsh Labour could be at risk of losing vital votes in the Senedd elections as independence in Wales has surged in popularity, Express.co.uk has discovered. Welsh Labour (Welsh: Llafur Cymru) is the branch of the United Kingdom Labour Party that operates in Wales. Welsh Labour | Llafur Cymru. Its number of seats fell by four (on 2003) to 26: 11 more than the second largest party, Plaid Cymru. Find out what the people actually want, not what your Twitter followers say they want. The emergence of Plaid Cymru (and the Scottish National Party) prompted the Wilson government to establish the Kilbrandon Commission, causing Welsh Labour to consider once more the case for devolution – this time in its favour. The 1945 General Election won the party 25 of the 36 Welsh constituencies, gaining some 58 per cent of the popular vote. The party's headquarters in Cardiff organise the party's election campaigns at all levels of government (Community Councils, Unitary Authorities, the Senedd and Westminster, support the CLPs and branches in membership matters and perform secretarial functions to the National Assembly Labour Party (NALP) and the party's policy-making process. The depression of the 1930s, which had hit Welsh industry particularly hard, led Labour to propose that the Welsh economy be planned and structured on a national basis. While difficult decisions have had to be made, Andy believes that the Party’s core values, which he passionately shares, should never be sacrificed. She co-ordinated the campaign that secured OMOV for Welsh Labour leadership elections and supports greater efforts to strengthen transparency and accountability within the party, which she would seek to take this forward as a member of the WEC. Below is a copy of the letter that has been sent to all Labour MSs and MPs. Set up the Welsh National Party in 2020. 6 Provision for which the Senedds consent is required 6. The stage was set for another devolution referendum, this time won by the narrowest of margins. The members voted by 87-34 to call on the party's National Executive Committee (NEC): to take immediate steps… In the 1964 general election Welsh Labour polled some 58 per cent of the Welsh vote and won 28 seats. ... down to one MP. Rightly so. developing a progressive socialist manifesto for the 2021 Senedd elections; delivering the Welsh Democracy Review to ensure that members are central; and. In the changing the landscape, shaped by Brexit and the 2019 General Election we also start to understand the extent of Labour’s challenges. This led to strong criticism for not doing so from the Welsh Conservative Party and the Welsh Liberal Democrats.[17]. Mark Drakeford has launched the ‘Welsh Labour Together’ online conference with a Q&A session with members this evening. Welsh Labour's problems were compounded by a strong SDP-Liberal Alliance performance, gaining 23 per cent of the vote (though few seats) at what was to be the height of its success. He therefore knows the importance of a strong, socialist working-class voice in our movement. The Plaid Cymru threat to the party's industrial heartland fell away in the 1970s, but both it and the Conservatives gained ground in Welsh-speaking and coastal Wales respectively, where Labour's roots were more shallow. A party member for more than 30 years, Darren co-founded Welsh Labour Grassroots during the New Labour era to campaign for socialist policies and party democracy. Exclusive: Interview with Labour NEC Welsh rep candidate Carwyn Jones ... in winning elections and in having already been a member of the NEC as the Welsh Labour leader. Ballots open February 26, 2020: be aware that the email which contains your voting code may be filtered by your email provider, so be sure to check ‘ALL MAIL’ and ‘SPAM’ in your email client.Please vote for the two candidates who represent your CLPs region. On 6 May 2016 Welsh Labour won 29 of the 60 seats in the Assembly elections and secured a fifth term in government in a minority coalition with the sole remaining Welsh Liberal Democrat Kirsty Williams member. D. Tanner, "Facing the New Challenge: Labour and Politics 1970–2000", Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Welsh Labour leadership: Do people know the candidates? On the same day that NEC members ordered party general secretary David Evans to rebuke Starmer for his political interference, contrary to the EHRC recommendations Starmer has promised to… If the swing in Wales were repeated across the UK, the Conservatives would have won a landslide victory of over 100 seats; in some, such as Pontypridd, Welsh Labour lost over 16 per cent of its vote. The new organisation reflected the consolidation of industrial and trade union power under Clement Attlee's 1945–1951 government. Equally, however, Conservative policy in Wales could also be said to have helped break the traditional compact between Welsh Labour and the Welsh electorate. Alyson has been a Swansea Councillor since 2012 and is currently Cabinet Member for Better Communities (People), in addition to serving as a Branch chair and LCF delegate. By 2003 Labour's share had risen to 40 per cent on a marginally increased turnout and the party gained 30 seats overall, allowing it to govern alone once more. The miners' strike of 1984–1985 appeared to present Welsh Labour with an electoral opportunity, despite the invidious position in which it placed the new Labour leader, Neil Kinnock. It’s embedded in our history now. At the 1987 General Election the Welsh party polled 45 per cent, winning 24 seats, winning another two from the Conservatives at by-elections in 1989 and 1991. Kate became a party member in the 1990s and believes that the principles that created Labour are the same ones we need today, which is why she has continued to campaign for socialism in good times and bad. Mark has represented members in South Wales West on the WEC since 2018 and promises, if re-elected, to continue to listen, advocate and represent your views to the WEC. Though Labour remained in opposition throughout the 1950s, Welsh Labour polled over 50 per cent the popular vote at each general election, winning seemingly impregnable majorities in south-Wales valleys. It is not separately registered with the Electoral Commission under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act. [14] In practice, this meant foregoing many policies of the Westminster Labour government, such as foundation hospitals, school academies and PFI projects in some areas. ", "Standing up for Wales - Welsh Labour Manifesto 2019", "Open Council Data UK - compositions councillors parties wards elections", UK 2001 General Election results by region, UK 2005 General Election results by region, 2004 European Parliament election results in Wales (BBC), "www.electoralcommission.org.uk/regulatory-issues/regpoliticalparties.cfm?frmGB=1&frmPartyID=6&frmType=partydetail", "Labour backs more autonomy for Welsh party | Wales – ITV News", "www.electoralcommission.org.uk/regulatory-issues/regpoliticalparties.cfm?frmPartyID=6&frmType=audetail", Speech by Rhodri Morgan, "Public Services: Looking to the future for Wales", 7 October 2004, "BBC NEWS - UK - Wales - AMs vote for free prescriptions", "BBC News - Jones is new Welsh Labour leader", "BBC News - Labour, Plaid AMs to miss debate due to picket line", "BBC News - Davies beats off backbench challenge", History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom, Trade Union and Labour Party Liaison Organisation, Organisations associated with the Labour Party, Labour Friends of Palestine & the Middle East, National Union of Labour and Socialist Clubs, Socialist Environment and Resources Association, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, List of political parties by representation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Welsh_Labour&oldid=1022106205, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox political party with unknown parameters, Articles needing additional references from December 2008, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 May 2021, at 14:07. 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