mordecai and esther

He had carefully raised Esther as his own, and now she sat as queen of Persia. He states with confidence that we cannot know the larger plan, but the outcome will be positive. It is the duty of all Christians to promote the missionary cause on the lofty grounds already referred to. He knows that if she is idle, all the evil will come on her head, who has been unfaithful, and that in spite of that God's faithfulness shall not be made of none effect. They are considerations which can scarcely be shut out, and should be taken in determining the weight of our obligation, in shaping the selection of our duties, in stimulating the zeal and sedulousness with which we do what we know to be right. Marcus includes this note: Marcus includes no references, so it is unclear to what he is referring. Mahommedanism, Buddhism, Brahminism -- they are none of them progressive. When she was orphaned, Mordechai adopted her. The gifts unimproved are apt to be lost. The kingdoms of this world will have to fall; and if we are not helping and hasting the coming of the Lord we shall be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Oops! We have seen the tide of material prosperity ebb away from many a nation and land, and I for my part believe in the Hand of God in history, and believe that the tide follows the motions of the heavens. Esther 10:3 describes Mordechai as ratzui le-rov ehav, understood classically to mean that he was preferred or liked by the majority of his people. ), a strong, effective ruler. But remember that all these other good things that England has will spread themselves with little effort, people will be glad to get them. Though we be unfaithful, God's purpose of mercy to the world shall be accomplished. As Esther was an orphan, her cousin Mordechai brought her up. We are beacons kindled to transmit, till every sister light flashes back the ray. In the spirit of using outside sources, allow me to share achiddush of my own. As Josephus has not had the same effect on popular culture as the Vulgate, it seems likely that the Jewish sources that describe Mordechai as Esther’s uncle may have been influenced by the Catholic version of the biblical text, though they are probably not aware of this. Mordecai tells Esther and Esther tells the King. She reminded him that even the mighty Nebuchadnezzar had a Jewish adviser, the prophet Daniel.The King replied that he did not know of any Jew who was worthy of being his adviser. God has laid on us a solemn responsibility. They must be as the 'dew that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.'. They all believe that the world is a fallen world, that without Christ the fallen world is a lost world, that the preaching of the Gospel is the way to bring Christ to those who need Him, that to the Church is committed the ministry of reconciliation. And this accumulation of certainties does not depend on the faithfulness of men. He loves the heathen better than we do. According to the Megillah, Esther is the daughter of Mordechai’s uncle, and thus, Esther and Mordechai are first cousins. 'Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord.'. 22 When Mordecai learned of the plot, he reported it to Queen Esther, and she informed the king on Mordecai’s behalf. Let your work be such as that it shall abide. Think that we are brought into contact with heathen, whether we will or not. For instance, a selfish nation will never hold conquests with a firm grasp. So it is certain that God from eternity has willed that all flesh should see His salvation. That true unity and fraternity shall be realised. Were they cousins or uncle and niece? script type="text/javascript"> -- Still! b. Esther sends him a new suit 4:4. (KJV) He gave him a copy, in verse 8, of the decree that was given. We can often see our Master Yeshua engaging in traditional practices in the Gospels. The Gospel is preached to all men. The consideration of consequences may not decide us in matters of conscience, but it may allowably come in to deter us from what is on higher grounds a sin to be avoided, or a good deed to be done. 'Through you the name of God is blasphemed amongst the Gentiles.' 'Thou makest the wrath of man to praise Thee.' The march of Providence goes on. window.location.replace(""); The term bat is understood as bayyit, which often carries the meaning “wife” in rabbinic exegesis. Mordecai is given credit for saving the king’s life. We are stimulated to action not only because we hold certain great principles, but because they are reinforced by certain subordinate considerations. Our national character and position unite that of the Jew in his two stages -- we are set to be the 'light of the world,' and we are 'tribes of the wandering foot.' What Was Esther's Relationship to Mordechai? When you have a 'Christian' nation not using their position for God's glory, they are using it for their own sakes; and that indicates a state of mind which will lead to numberless other evils in their relation to men, many of which have a direct tendency to rob them of their advantages. If not, did Esther commit adultery by marrying Achashverosh? Thus, to a listener, Mordechai taking Esther le-bat could have carried either or both of these meanings.[6]. Mordecai, equally devoted, expresses his faith when he requests Esther’s help. He went up to the entrance of the king's gate, for no one was allowed to enter the king's gate clothed in sackcloth. Its purposes will be effected. Our history, all, has tended to this function, our local position, our laws, our commerce. True, the words bat and bayyit don’t sound all that alike, but it may be that a phonetic variant is at work undergirding this midrash. So he believes that his Esther has come to the kingdom by God's appointment, to do God's work at God's time. The Promotion of Haman and the Plan of Mordecai and Esther (Esther 3-4) Haman is elevated by the king to the highest position in the land. India, China, Japan, Africa, in a word, 'The field is the world' in a degree in which it never was before. There are two views on the relationship between Mordecai and Esther. Mordecai knew what vile passions had been at work to put Esther there, and did not forget poor Vashti, and we have no need to hide conviction that England's place has often been won by wrong, been kept by violence and fraud, that, as she has strode to empire, her foot has trodden on many a venerable throne unjustly thrown down, and her skirts have been dabbled with 'the blood of poor innocents,' splashed there with her armed hoof. (c) We especially have received a position in the world for the conversion of the world. 'Such a time as this!' What was the biological relationship between Esther and Mordechai? In every land our people dwell. Mordecai resided in Susa (Shushan or Shoushan), the metropolis of Persia (now Iran). It is unknown if Mordecai had a family of his own, but he did adopt Esther, his cousin, as his own daughter when her parents died and left her an orphan. The Festival of Purim was established by Mordecai to remind Jewish people how they were saved by Queen Esther and Mordecai from extermination. This and other implications of the union are discussed in the Talmud and other rabbinic works. Over all the dust of base intrigues, and the smoke of bloody battles, and the hubbub of busy commerce, His hand has been working, and though we have been sinful, He has given us a place and a power, mighty and awful. [5] Tosafot noted that this spelling occurs elsewhere. The biblical text is straightforward (Esth 2:7): According to the Megillah, Esther is the daughter of Mordechai’s uncle, and thus, Esther and Mordechai are first cousins. 19 Now when the virgins were gathered together the second time, Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate. God hath made of one blood all nations of men. In the width of that mighty result the failure of some single agent may be eliminated. Please support us. If in the case of Esther and Mordechai, the use of the Vulgate is unintentional (i.e., picked up unconsciously from the surrounding culture, perhaps as a consequence of the age disparity between them). It shall be granted you. Think how only the Gospel outleaps space and time. Academic Study of the Torah Is Essential, Not Just for Academics, Study the Torah with Academic Scholarship, By using this site you agree to our Terms of Use. In adherence to Mordecai’s instructions, Esther did not reveal to anyone that she was a Jew. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.We rely on the support of readers like you. Helps that have become hindrances will go. To a consideration of some of these secondary reasons for energy in the work of missions I ask your attention. He had been faithful in his service to the king, though probably only in a mundane day-to-day job. It appears that his act of valor is quickly forgotten. Only we may share the triumph and partake of the blessed result. II. 'Such a time' -- a time of seething, and we can determine the cosmos; a plastic time, and we can mould it; it is a deluge, push the ark boldly out and ransom some. Like the Lord we must go to the wanderers, we must find them as they lie panting and thirsty in the wild wilderness. He adopted his orphaned cousin (Esther 2:7), Hadassah (Esther), whom he brought up as if she were his own daughter. circa 1845 Albert Henry Payne. Then Esther's maidens and her eunuchs came and told her, and the queen writhed in great anguish. In fact, a common word for “wife” in the Talmud’s Aramaic is “דביתהו,” meaning “of his house.” The second generation Amora Yossi ben Chalafta, actually sites this as “good practice” (Ruth Rabba, parasha 2): B. We are citizens of a nation which 'as a nest has found the riches' of the peoples. Times again do not make duties, but they too make a thing a special duty now. He believes that she has been raised to her position for God's sake, for her brethren's sake, not her own. Circumstances do not make duties, but they may bring a special weight of obligation on us to do them. She would eventually become the victim of a cruel and exploitative man in power. But the Gospel will not be spread so. But he went only as far as the king’s gate, because no one clothed in sackcloth was allowed to enter it. No reward or honor is given to Mordecai. They refused to be intimidated, drew upon their reserves of courage and turned the tables on their would-be destroyer. [1] The piece was written by Barry Levy then expanded and adapted for TABS by Zev Farber with the author’s permission. Think of India and its lessons, or of South Africa and its. [3] Similarly, in the southern USA one puts in the motor of his car a liquid called ohl, even if spelled oil. Rabbi Meir presents us with an al tiqre-style midrash, which substitutes one word for a similar-sounding biblical one. “When Mordecai learned all that had been done, Mordecai tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and he cried out with a loud and bitter cry. They are of the things that can be shaken, and their being shaken makes more certain the remaining of the things that cannot be shaken. The would-be assassins are stopped, and Mordecai’s name is recorded in the king’s chronicles as the one who took action to preserve the king’s life. If we do not bind subject peoples to us by benefits, we shall repel them by hatreds. We are members of the body that the blood may flow freely through us. It must be held forth with outstretched hands to 'a disobedient and gainsaying people.' Esther was a Jewish woman known by the name of Hadassah in Hebrew, the cousin of a man named Mordecai who lived in Shushan. One knows not all the conditions on which England holds her sway, nor do we fathom the strange way in which spiritual characteristics are inwrought with material interests. When we look at the Dead Sea Scrolls, early texts from approximately the same time as the writing of the Megillah, we see the term rovused as “the community,” not “the majority.” Perhaps, then, the meaning of the phrase is actually “liked by the community of his people.”. It is not my intention to enlarge on them now. The Bible doesn’t give us much more information about Esther’s past than that. The Jews of the Diaspora remain rather more cruelly exposed. Sitting at the gate there, he has seen generations of Hamans go out and in; he has seen the craft, the cruelty, the lusts which have been the apparent causes of the puppets' rise and fall, and he has looked beyond it all and believed in a Hand that pulled the wires, in a King of Kings who raiseth up one and setteth down another. That she was his wife, is shown in one translation of the Septuagint. She risked execution. For he was in charge of a very charming and good hearted cousin named Esther, or Hadassah. And she sent garments to clothe Mordecai that he might remove his sackcloth from him, but he did not accept them. Haman Hanged Instead of Mordecai 7 So the king and Haman went to dine with Queen Esther. There speaks the devout statesman, the court-experienced believer. Our language, our literature, our other rich spiritual treasures, we hold them all that we may impart. Therefore Christian men must make special earnest efforts or the work will not be done. We come to the kingdom for others. Esther and Mordecai had not returned to the land and did not seem interested in complying with the prophetic command to return. Mordecai is the only man in the whole Bible to unilaterally declare a holy day — and without any claim to priestly or prophetic authority, as such holy days are inherently religious. Why, at this time of success, he should not have earned everyone’s respect bothered many commentators, and numerous explanations have been offered. This show both his keen sense of responsibility and his compassion. Other Talmudic discussions blame Galileans and other westerners for their faulty elocution; perhaps that was intended more than the specific location. But in this and in all cases, there are secondary motives besides, and inferior to those which are derived from the real fundamental principles. This issue has been explored in some depth by Ari Zivotofsky in an English article for Jewish Action called, “Tzarich Iyun: Mordechai and Esther,” and in a Hebrew article on the Bar Ilan website called “על מרדכי ואסתר”. 'Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?' It singularly blends the statesman and the believer. Even so, Mordecai and Esther perceived that there is a right time, place, and procedure for godly leadership to enact customs, norms, and even mitzvot for the Jewish people to accept. Besides that, it may be in a special way our duty for some additional reasons drawn from peculiarities in our condition. We have a work to do, an awful work. Think of our sailors. And again, such action does not involve approval of the means by which such a position has become ours. But we believe in a providential government of the world, and of this we may be very sure, that all advantages not used for God are held by a very precarious tenure. When he learns of the edict against the Jews, he encourages Esther to confront the king. The blissful wave of the knowledge of the Lord shall cover and hide and flow rejoicingly over all national distinctions., Biblical, Traditional, and Not-So-Traditional Interpretations. We cannot help influencing them. He has seen favourites tended and tossed aside, viziers powerful and beheaded, kings half deified and deserted in their utmost need. script>, A Corpse Left Hanging Overnight Is a “Cursing of God”, Biblical proper names beginning with the letter, Ancient Samarian ostraca spell “wine” as ין, In various targumim we also find third-person imperfect verb forms that are spelled with initial. When Mordecai learns of the decree (Esther 4), he leaves the king's court, putting on sackcloth and ashes as a sign of great mourning. The chariot rolls on. The Vulgate is the standard biblical text used by Catholics, and thus in the Catholic tradition Esther is described as Mordechai’s niece. When she was orphaned, Mordechai adopted her. Mordecai had the courage to stand up for his beliefs. VI. We are not non-conductors, but stand all linked hand in hand. Look with me at Esther 4:1–3. There is a crack in every temple wall. To them I ask your attention. (a) No man has anything for his own sake -- no man liveth to himself. Esther was one of those who remained. For no loftier reason did God light the candle than that it might give light. When Mordecai learns of Haman’s (the king’s advisor) plot to annihilate all of … It was with Esther’s future that the Word concerns itself. Here we touch the foundation of all authority; we learn the awful burden of all talents, the dreadful weight of every gift. Was there ever such a time? If we neglect the voice of God's providence, harm comes on us. And obviously, Esther was isolated. He is no atheist; he believes in God's sovereign power and unchangeable faithfulness, therefore he looks without dismay to the possibility of her failure. It is found of them that seek it not. Look at the fields open. How all these systems are of time and devoured by it, as Saturn eats his own children. [9] E.g., Saadiah, Hai, Ibn Ezra, Rambam, Ibn Aknin, Ramban, and many others. III. He regularly teaches Bible, the History of Jewish Interpretation of the Bible, and a course on Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures and their interpretations. The Mordecai and Esther Foundation has even more plans to reach out to new places and before the Lord Jesus Christ returns, we want to reach as many orphan children as time affords us. To us all as Christians, to us especially as citizens of this land and members of this race, to us and to our brethren across the Atlantic the message comes, by our history, our manners, etc., as plainly as if it were written in every wave that beats around our coast. Mordecai knew what vile passions had been at work to put Esther there, and did not forget poor Vashti, and we have no need to hide conviction that England's place has often been won by wrong, been kept by violence and fraud, that, as she has strode to empire, her foot has trodden on many a venerable throne unjustly thrown down, and her skirts have been dabbled with 'the blood of poor innocents,' splashed … Mordecai had raised Esther due to her having been orphaned. 'Deliverance and enlargement shall arise from another place.' The race is one in its goal. but when we have answered that question, we may go to work with a lighter heart and a firmer hand if we are sure that we are not going to fail. Esther’s Jewish name is Hadassah; she possibly lived in two worlds, with the name Esther on her diploma and the family calling her Hadassah at home. IV. The verse which I have selected for my text is spoken by Mordecai to Esther, when urging her to her perilous patriotism. According to the biblical book named after her, Esther was a beautiful young Jewish woman who caught the eye of the Persian King Ahasuerus, became queen, and with the assistance of her cousin Mordecai, saved Jews throughout the Persian Empire from annihilation. Whatever stands in the way will be mowed remorselessly down, if need be. She was an orphan girl who was being raised by her older cousin, Mordecai. In spoken Hebrew, the modern state often is rendered as Isra’el (initialaleph), as it is in Arabic; the assassinated Prime Minister was known as Itzhak Rabin, not Yitzhak; etc. I need prayer for people resources and with all this growth; the financial needs are even greater. The idea that Esther and Mordecai may be questionable characters in the book of Esther, is picking the minor and neglecting the major, which is the narrative that they together saved the entire nation of Israel. He sees that if she selfishly refuses to identify herself with her people, in their calamity, the wave that sweeps them away will not be stayed outside her royal dwelling; he knows too much of courts to think that she can stand against that burst of popular fury should it break out. God used Queen Esther and her cousin Prime Minister Mordecai to save the Jewish people from being exterminated while under the rule of the Persian Empire. Nay, more, though all men failed, God hath instruments, and will use them Himself, if need were. Mordechai, who lived in the capital city of Shushan (Susa), dreaded the moment when the King's men might come knocking on his door in search of a possible queen. Please consider supporting That she was his adopted daughter, is shown in the Hebrew (per Josephus) and translated Masoretic texts Esther 2:7 Septuagint God lays upon us special missionary work by the special characteristics of the times. Though she got a pretty rough start in life, Esther ended up saving the entire Jewish nation. 20 Esther had not made known her kindred or her people, as Mordecai had commanded her, for Esther obeyed Mordecai just as when she was brought up by him. The earliest source for this may be Josephus, who writes: The same interpretation appears in Jerome’s Latin translation (the Vulgate), which says that Esther was the daughter of Mordechai’s brother (filiae fratris) in 2:7 and similarly refers to Avichayil, Esther’s father, as Mordechai’s brother (Abiahil fratris Mardochei). Henrietta Szold and Paul Radin; Skokie: Varda Books ed., 2003), 1140, 1142, in which he uses the language of uncle and niece to describe their relationship. Esther had been one of the “beautiful young virgins” from whom King Xerxes could select a new queen (Esther 2:2). I suggest that the phrase has been misunderstood. 'In that day Israel shall be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth.'. Space and time learns of the “ beautiful young virgins ” from whom king Xerxes could a. Writhed in great anguish references, so it is certain that God from eternity has willed that all growth. Of considerations having a special duty now select a new queen ( Esther 2:2 ) Esther.. [ 6 ] if they were saved by queen Esther and Mordecai had the courage to stand for! Many others spoken by Mordecai to remind Jewish people how they were married, did get. This? either or both of these secondary reasons for energy in the tracks made it. Only because we hold them all that we may share the triumph and partake of the Septuagint father mother! Esther was an orphan, her cousin Mordechai brought her up not non-conductors, the. 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