list of context

Cultural context can also shift and evolve. Inference or General Context The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred This proximity is based on constraints. God’s Word is most definitely to be revered, and those of us who preach and teach should fear and tremble at the thought of being guilty of taking the Words of God Almighty out of context. Many people complain that their lists get too big to manage. They mean if the expectation is to get a single value (in SCALAR context), or if multiple values are expected (LIST context). For example, a browser might list the names in a context and wait for the user to select one or a few of the names displayed to perform further operations. - show context count: give you number of contexts configured on … Look for a list of words ‐North American predators include grizzly bears, pumas, wolves, and foxes. MASS COMMUNICATION CONTEXT Click Here to See List of Theories. Priority, energy level, and other such attributes are not contexts. Thanks for this reminder on the importance of keeping God’s truth in context. A lot of people have posted their difficulties in using contexts and many have given up trying to use them (and sometimes GTD) altogether. NOTE: Before spending a lot of time on next action contexts, be sure to understand how the focus of GTD is really on commitments. The current greatest focus in using context in search is location. My definition is a bit more explicit than Allen’s, but I believe that many of the common problems people have with defining contexts (see below) could be attributed to the lack of understanding that contexts must be properly bounded, that contraints are an overriding factor in their establishment. Context clues are simply hints or additional information the author provides that can help you understand the meaning of a particular word or phrase. Resources. This article explains context clues, describes the different types of context clues, and provides some helpful examples. This is the opposite problem from the one above. context --mode=amode,anothermode,toomanymodes 159.tex I get the following result: OLD ANSWER: I'll ask for a feature request to the mailing list so a proper macro is available. We’re essentially making the list item information contextual – adapting the listed information based on the user’s context, such as the category they’ve chosen, the filters they’ve applied or the sorting direction they’ve chosen; all of which represent key signals about their particular product interests and preferences. Examples of original context in a sentence, how to use it. I don’t want to recommend specific contexts here. For starters, “@Working on Project X” does not indicate one thing about the environment in which the work must take place. This can be very useful in debugging your contexts. Like the aforementioned project folder concept, these are other criteria for selecting what to do in the moment. Following is a sample code snippet to show list of items as a list of widgets in a ListView dynamically. The intention of this module is to provide a means of inspecting all contexts in one easy screen. This uniformity will ensure that the necessary tools are always available, and thus, eliminate the need to specialize contexts in this manner. Besides, “think about” is the only action I know of that can be done literally anywhere. Proprietary: ed: The default line editor on Unix since the birth of Unix. © 2021 Brandon Brinkley Or only when I have to make some other, more urgent purchase and I happen to remember to look at it? Given high levels of energy or an action with a very high priority, one will be motivated to change their context, immediately if necessary, to get that action done. In the same vein, some contexts entered frequently or even routinely are just not necessary, such as @BathroomSink, @DentistChair, and @Asleep. Push. List internal and external issues that can affect the customer satisfaction and delivery of the quality … All that is needed for one to complete any or all of the actions on a context list is for one to choose to place oneself into that context with all the necessary resources available. However, these variables often have quite different properties, which affect how they may be used in context-aware systems. All rights reserved. Then again, is this specialization really needed? Provide a list of contexts, their conditions and reactions in a simple view in the admin provided by the Context module. Avoid it. In … If I had to sum it up in one single answer, it is the proximity of the contexts to reality that makes the difference. The intention of this module is to provide a means of inspecting all contexts in one easy screen. The most influential writer in all of English literature, William Shakespeare was born in 1564 to a successful middle-class glover in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. This can be very useful in debugging your contexts. Pens, paper, the computer, the Internet, reference books, people, and above all, time. Provide a list of contexts, their conditions and reactions in a simple view in the admin provided by the Context module. Synonyms as Context Clues. In the meantime, the following should do the work most of times. Can we use first and third party cookies and web beacons to. If lists are too few, then (obviously) each list will gather more entries given the same number of actions. There are several better ways to handle this information. Deferring an action until I’m “@Working on Project X” is not appropriate. Contexts are only useful if they are accessible, that is to say that you can and do put yourself into them, preferably with some regularity. ConTeXt is a general-purpose document processor. IMHO, this is one of the most fun aspects of GTD, and yet, the most discouraging one as well. The answer is, whatever works best given a set of constraints that govern when, where, and how something should or must be done. Create a free website or blog at Is it any wonder that contexts spark the hottest debates in online GTD circles. The most basic, and perhaps helpful, type of context clues are synonyms.If you can’t decipher a meaning, adding a few synonyms, or words with similar meanings, is a surefire way to point to a word’s meaning. Of course, this list will probably consist exclusively of phone calls to be made, but it is quite easy to see that the @Internet context could encompass a more diverse set of actions such as doing research, paying bills, writing emails, etc. If I have made my workspaces (reasonably) identical, the same action can be done @Home, @Work, @Library, or even @Car; in this case there is no difference in the hard constraints, so why have three or four different context lists? However there are many other aspects of context that should be taken into account. It is necessary in writing to provide information, new concepts, and words to develop thoughts. Are these contexts really different? They are just two different views into the same database. In my experience, using a digitized system that allows me to assign each task to a project folder as well as a context is highly useful, because I can crank through the actions in times of focus (via the folder) or while in context (@Phone). Context is the background, environment, setting, framework, or surroundings of events or occurrences.Simply, context means circumstances forming a background of an event, idea or statement, in such a way as to enable readers to understand the narrative or a literary piece. A textbook example is @Calls (or @Phone), the list of actions that can be performed when one has access to a phone and the time to use it. Many pieces of research have suggested variables that may be harnessed to model a searcher’s context. It is often used when a library interacts — directly or transitively — with remote servers, such as databases, APIs, and the like. Let's take a look at a few examples: 1. The simplest would be to do away with the specialized list and add the actions to the more general @Computer or similar list, but I personally think doing this adds noise. Think about the last time you came across an unfamiliar word while reading. Whether you’ve ever heard the term before or not, you probably use context clues all the time – maybe without even realizing it. In contrast, a context that is so contrived or obscure that it is difficult or impossible to enter it (frequently or at all) is not useful, and it would be better to schedule time for such actions on the calendar instead. the focus of GTD is really on commitments, Getting Things Done: A Guide To Next-Action Lists, Why GTD Contexts Are More Work Than They’re Worth (For Me), Using Renaissance Soul Focal Points as GTD Contexts. Overlap. There are several common issues that seem to resurface, and I’ve managed to experience every one of these in my own GTD implementation, so I can relate. The intention of this module is to provide a means of inspecting all contexts in one easy screen. To avoid duplicates, please search before submitting a new issue. by Nathan BorrorContext Simplification post on Toodledo forumBack to GTD: Simplify Your Contexts by Merlin MannUsing Renaissance Soul Focal Points as GTD Contexts post on The David Allen Company forum.Toodledo and GTD by Ike O’Ramba. The list below shows the kind of behavior that is generally found in high and low context cultures within five categories: how people relate to each other, how they communicate with each other, how they treat space, how they treat time, and how they learn. List Size. Song of Solomon 4:2 CEV. Lower-context culture: United States, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Canada and other European nations. List of Context WDOs. So, what do good contexts look like? Get a detailed description of this theme made popular in StrengthsFinder 2.0. It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park. For how many other sites should/must I define context lists? Communication context will, for example, be different for a television broadcaster than for a door-to-door salesperson. by Rolf F. KatzenbergerDesigning GTD Contexts by Bruce KeenerUsing GTD Contexts Propperly BY Daniel Pataki (dead; available on Wayback Machine)Why GTD Contexts Are More Work Than They’re Worth (For Me) by Charlie GilkeySimply GTD: Do You Really Need Contexts? I can type this @Computer, but I have to research that @Internet. While exploring biographical context, useful sources include biographies of the author, autobiographies or memoirs by the author or by people who knew him or her, and critical works that give close attention to the author’s life. If you have, you discovered that this is a feature that is missing in Windows Explorer. The simple way is to add the capacity to print a folder file list from the right-click context menu of Sometimes I have to drop what I’m doing and force myself into @Phone at 8:30 AM on a weekday, because the calls on the list are important, or someone is waiting (read: nagging me) for information that I must obtain during the call, or the list itself is just getting too long. In anthropology, high-context culture and low-context culture are ends of a continuum of how explicit the messages exchanged in a culture are and how important the context is in communication.The continuum pictures how people communicate with others through their range of communication abilities: utilizing gestures, relations, body language, verbal messages, or non-verbal messages. " Consider the following contexts: @Desktop-Online, @Laptop-Online, @Laptop-Offline, @Office-Online…etc. Context will remain a difficult concept until we have an appropriate language with which to discuss it. Your users, and the great application you’ve just launched, deserve better. If I had this context list defined, am I really going to think about looking at when I’m at the computer? @Anywhere. (55) Probability as methodology within mathematical statistics I am deliberately trying to exclude mathematical methodology from this list, so I … Definition of Context. Technology changes too. In the United States, Native Americans and Hawaiian islanders are also considered high-context. ‐The debris in the stadium stands included numerous paper cups, ticket stubs, sandwich wrappings, and cigarette butts. list() is intended for browser-style applications that just want to display the names of objects in a context. It is especially suited for structured documents, automated document production, very fine typography, and multi-lingual typesetting. High quality example sentences with “list of contexts” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert. In some cases, this may stop mysqld from logging errors. Within operator the “context.active_node” returns the active node in active editor. Romanticism Past and Present (1981 - … Getting Things Done: Well-Formed Context Lists Context Defined. This may mean paying for mobile broadband access for that laptop, as if that were a bad thing. For example, ps, ls, cp, and mkdir all use the -Z option to display or set SELinux contexts of a file, directory, process, or port. When I have calls to make, I need to go make them. Like LaTeX, it is derived from TeX. When you know that you are allowed to move between contexts and not just wait for them to happen, drawing boundries between them based on resource constrints becomes much easier. In some cases, one book represents the entirety of the career. We either don’t understand the whole context or we are reading the verse stand alone. David Allen suggests a list of contexts in the book, and this is a good starting point, but it is not logical to assume that this list will be a perfect fit for everyone. Of course, you can use the command line to do this or download and install some extra software but there is an easier way. This can be very useful in debugging your contexts. The Context List concept is probably the most recognizable feature of GTD. Such constructs have traditionally been called “pigeonholes”. A “context” list is simply a list of physical next actions that share some unique prerequisite or constraint. It’s also not efficient, because a shifting gears to make a phone call and then again to do something else, all while “@Working on Project X”, actually works against the GTD mechanism. Posted: February 14, 2014 in Uncategorized Tags: marketing outcomes communicating communication contexts Besides reliance on common resources (constraints), humans tend to work faster and with more consistency when doing repititious actions. but I did not found some thins like “context.selected_node” to return the list of nodes has selected. There are three other key issues to consider in how context is impacting search. What does a context clue look like? Have you ever wanted to make a list of all the files in a folder? How to list the current MySQL contexts That’s useful to consumers, and is supported by the emerging business models around local such as coupons. This could also be an indicator that they need to place themselves into that context more often or for longer periods of time so that they can actually get more done. Publication history Currently known as: Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1987 - current) Formerly known as. The following articles and posts, in no particular order, helped me understand contexts along the way. Context workflow data objects are those that are not explicitly defined in the workflow process definition metadata but are made available by the Process Definition Tool and workflow engine at various places during the execution of a process. This is not an exhaustive list and it may grow over time. These are hard constraints. If a friend, family member, or coworker possesses file folders (or just about anything for that matter) bearing nicely-printed labels such as @Calls or @Shopping, it is almost certain that this person uses GTD. Access. SCALAR and LIST context The above two are called SCALAR and LIST context. Did it come at the beginning of his or her career, in the middle, or at the end? Is there any way to get list of selected nodes in active editor? Some influenced my thinking more than others.GTD: indentifying your contexts by Dragos RouaGetting Things Done: A Guide To Next-Action Lists by Dan FletcherSetting up GTD Contexts… by David O’HaraCustomizing GTD Contexts by Help Everybody Everyday (link changes)Hint: Ordering GTD-Contexts by Rolf F. KatzenbergerWhat is (not) a GTD context? If you can't decipher a meaning, adding a few synonyms, or words with similar meanings, is a surefire way to point to a word's meaning. Defining distinctly-different contexts based on constraints and allowing only a little overlap if any at all will make it very easy to determine which context you are (or could be) in at the moment. Synonyms for in the context of include against, on, upon, across, considering, based on, based on the idea of, in the framework of, based around the idea of and in … Context: A lot of funny verses make you think, “uhhh what? How to set the data directory context. !” and that’s what makes them funny. 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