how brainwashing works

After the Korean War, which of course was a proxy war between America and Communist China, the public had discovered that some captured American servicemen had seemingly converted to the Chinese Communist, anti-American ideology. Influence: The psychology of persuasion (revised edition). Perhaps ones that were perfectly reasonable, such as “American policy isn’t always perfect.” Then, bit by bit, the captured servicemen were induced to become increasingly black-or-white in their pro-Communist, anti-Western sentiments. There seems to be a contrast between an underlying fear of brainwashing in modern society, as seen in contemporary films and literature, and the apparent belief of many people who sit on juries that brainwashing is hogwash. Self-betrayal: Agree with me that you are bad. 10 Far-out Charismatic Leaders (and the Trouble They Caused). If someone isn’t already vulnerable, then they are made vulnerable in order that they can ‘see the light’ and adopt the beliefs they are required to have. 10 May 2006. The term brainwashing was first coined in the 1950’s during the Korean War. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. In the late 1950s, psychologist Robert Jay Lifton studied former prisoners of Korean War and Chinese war camps. Since Lifton and other psychologists have identified variations on what appears to be a distinct set of steps leading to a profound state of suggestibility, an interesting question is why some people end up brainwashed and others don't. In his engaging, witty, and profound talk, Deikman demonstrated how the techniques of brainwashing usually associated with cults or totalitarian societies are, in fact, found equally in American corporate settings as well as in government, media, and other mainstream organizations. The two key phrases are control of communication and possessing the ultimate truth . now streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Hulu. But where does honest persuasion stop and brainwashing start? How can the ‘wrongdoer’ make amends if apologies aren’t enough? In fact, often it was the most ideologically righteous who would suddenly be denounced and subjected to witch hunts. Access to social media like Instagram and Facebook, and even to YouTube, Google, and Gmail is completely disallowed. When recruiting, he would target people whose lives lacked meaning and purpose, a ready source of attention, or a sense of community. In this state, his beliefs seem less solid. 28 July 2008. "Is brainwashing possible?" They would poke and slap him all night, taking turns to ensure he neither sat nor slept. You can also get my articles on YouTube, find me on Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook. Muhammad pl­ucked 15-year-old Malvo from the Caribbean island of Antigua, where his mother had abandoned him, and brought him to the U.S. in 2001. These needs were exploited by the Chinese Communists, and they continue to be exploited today in the online environment. He may offer the target a drink of water, or take a moment to ask the target what he misses about home. The 17-year-old Malvo and 42-year-old John Allen Muhammad killed 10 people a­nd wounded three in a killing spree. Read more Uncommon Philosophy therapy techniques », Free therapy techniques from Uncommon Knowledge, How Brainwashing Works (and is Working on You). Source: How Brainwashing Works At this stage, the agent stops the abuse, offering the target physical comfort and mental calm in conjunction with the new belief system. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. We’ve all seen grovelling public Twitter apologies for statements which might have been taken out of context or genuinely not intended to hurt others. You may think this is absurd — … He isolated Malvo, steeped him to his own idiosyncratic, vitriolic brand of Islam and imposed a strict diet and exercise regimen on his "adopted" son. So in a sense technology has made thought control easier in China – not that it’s stopped the Chinese government from continuing to imprison up to three million imprisoned Uyghur moslems in their compulsory, ‘re-education’ establishments. See: Winn, D. (2017). Brainwashing Techniques 3. Status message You are currently viewing our site as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions, videos and photo galleries. Be Patient Brainwashing is perhaps best known in the context of prisoners, war criminals, cults and more recently, child custody cases. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work … Psychology is my passion. If some evil branch of neurosurgery can get it right, we're all doomed to be puppets of the state. Patty Hearst is caught on surveillance camera during a bank robbery in San Francisco. (2006). Mental detachment is one of the POW-survival techniques now taught to soldiers as part of their training. Scholars have traced the roots of systematic thought reform to the prison camps of communist Russia in the early 1900s, when political prisoners were routinely "re-educated" to the communist view of the world. "You are not defending freedom." But the effects of thought reform lasted far longer than his physical injuries. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features See: Lifton (2012). This interrogation left Father Luca unable to move. Eventually, after years in captivity, his ‘confession’ was finally accepted and he was released, on the condition that he leave China. This time he was beaten for several hours, mainly on his back, causing multiple fractures to the bones. Our environment shapes our beliefs and attitudes (which is why in totalitarian societies the environment of the citizens is tightly controlled by those at the top). Does brainwashing really work in any reliable way? The enforced poking and slapping from his cellmates and the interrogations continued unabated.6 He became delusional, and his infected legs and lack of sleep meant that he kept contradicting his own ‘confession’, which his captors didn’t like. Lee Boyd Malvo is escorted by deputies as he is brought into court to be identified by a witness. Brainwashing Then and Now 6. "The Brainwashing Defense." Several prisoners ultimately confessed to waging germ warfare -- which they hadn't -- and pledged allegiance to communism by th­e end of their captivity. The education method (which is called the "propaganda method" when you don't believe in what's being taught) goes for the social-influence gold, trying to affect a change in the person's beliefs, along the lines of "Do it because you know it's the right thing to do." Several prisoners ultimately confessed to waging germ warfare -- which they hadn't -- and pledged allegiance to communism by th­e end of their captivity. The term "brainwashing" was first used in English by Edward Hunter in … Likewise, many psychologists believe that large-scale brainwashing -- via the mass media and subliminal messages, for instance -- is not possible, because the thought-reform process requires isolation and absolute dependence of the subject in order to be effective. In the cycle of abuse, the period of indulgences is known as the honeymoon period of the abusive cycle which follows an episode of intense emotional, verbal or physical abuse. Jones seemed to offer, and perhaps did for a while, a sense of meaning, purpose, and community. Certain personality traits of the brainwashing targets can determine the effectiveness of the process. To learn more about how language can be used to change minds, read more about our online course Uncommon Hypnotherapy. Bombardment with stimuli, whipping up emotions such as shame, blame, fear, and hope in order to drown out self-reflection and force compliance with groupthink. Tweets and Instagram uploads can and do cost livelihoods. And that’s a perspective that’s all too common in cyberspace. For instance, the compliance method aims to produce a change in a person's behavior and is not concerned with his attitudes or beliefs. (See How Cults Work: Indoctrination for details on the thought-reform process that takes place specifically in destructive cults.). And yes, brain implants are arguably a lot scarier than verbal or physical "assaults on identity." Using electronic devices, such as a megaphone, to transmit or enhance Hitoshi's voice will make the Quirk lose its effect because it converts his voice into an electric signal. "But such techniques have never actually been found to exist," says Roger Finke, professor of sociology and religious studies at Penn State. Someone with conflicting opinions can easily be framed as not just wrong or mistaken, but evil. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology: Brainwashing, PsychologyToday: The Brainwashing Defense, The Skeptic's Dictionary: Mind Control (Brainwashing), Working Psychology: Introduction to Influence, Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application. Thought reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of “brainwashing” in China. Comment. To accept “mind manipulation” gives over more “power” to TPTB than they have earned or deserve. Governmental Report on Brainwashing … In psychology, the study of brainwashing, often referred to as thought reform, falls into the sphere of ‘social influence.’ Is brainwashing a system that produces similar results across cultures and personality types? Brainwashing is a process by which a person or group uses underhand methods to persuade others to the will of the person who is manipulating them. Unless we give ourselves space and calm to reflect without a constant desire to check, see, or emote, we will never have the chance to actually consider the ideas we are being presented with. This kind of bombardment with stimuli precludes any time for self-reflection or for assessing the validity of new ideas. Hunter introduced the concept at a time when Americans were already afraid: It was the Cold War, and America panicked at the idea of mass communist indoctrination through "brainwashing" -- they might be converted and not even know it! A 2019 report found that the average internet user now spends 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day.7. Lifton ultimately defined a set of steps involved in the brainwashing cases he studied: ­Each of thes­e stages takes place in an environment of isolation, meaning all "normal" social reference points are unavailable, and mind-clouding techniques like sleep deprivation and malnutrition are typically part of the process. If you’re reading this because you know you’ve experienced brainwashing, then you’ve already conquered the first and hardest step: the awakening. By Nicole Waxman Published 2 minutes ago. The human mind can be controlled using  psychological techniques, though psychologists disagree about the extent to which a person can be brainwashed. The contrast between old and new has been established: The old belief system is associated with psychological (and usually physical) agony; and the new belief system is associated with the possibility of escaping that agony. A totalitarian society will seek to exclusively control the completion of these needs, as will a controlling romantic partner. For brainwashing to thrive, reality needs to be perceived in simple, absolutist terms. One influence that seemed to be at play was the need for a consistent sense of self. A bully will intuitively seek to prevent the completion of another person’s emotional needs for status, safety, or self esteem. Cult leaders such as Jim Jones, who led 918 followers – 304 of them children – to mass suicide and murder in his jungle commune at Jonestown, preyed on the vulnerable. This creates something of a blank slate that lets the agent fill in the blanks: He can attach that guilt, that sense of "wrongness," to whatever he wants. See: Deikman, A. J. Not to the same degree perhaps, but I suggest that the powers and techniques of brainwashing exist on a continuum. Certainly we should all be polite and decent online, as anywhere else. In the next section, we'll examine one expert's description of the brainwashing process and find out what makes an easy target. This leads us back to devaluing the outsider. He repeatedly and mercilessly attacks the subject for any "sin" the target has committed, large or small. This betrayal of his own beliefs and of people he feels a sense of loyalty to increases the shame and loss of identity the target is already experiencing. Eventually he was allowed to sleep for two days, before the interrogation began again. It's just the way human social behavior works -- if a message is repeated enough times, others will begin to accept it as a commonly held belief in the group. The mass suicides and killing sprees committed by a small percentage of those cults seemed to validate the brainwashing fears, and some parents went so far as to have their children kidnapped by "deprogrammers" to remove them from the influence of cult leaders. Often, just as in Chinese thought reform, the apology/confession is not enough. This is where it all starts. Channeling of guilt: This is why you're in pain.After weeks or months of assault, confusion, breakdown and moments of leniency, the target's guilt has lost all meaning -- he's not sure what he has done wrong, he just knows he is wrong. In one study, the CIA supposedly gave subjects (including the famed Timothy Leary) LSD in order to study the effects of mind-altering drugs and gauge the effectiveness of psychedelics at inducing a brainwashing-friendly state of mind. Thought reform, p. 42. While there is no easy fix, there are ways to help. There was no crack where the light could get in, it was a closed bubble and no other thoughts were possible. The wrong way home: Uncovering the patterns of cult behaviour in American society. Malor Books. Layton explains that, “Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combines all of these approaches to cause changes in someone’s way of thinking without that person’s consent and often against his will.” And yet, consider how often you may be subtly influenced by … So I know how the brainwashing works. But consider the situation in China, where there is extensive internet censorship and mass surveillance of its citizens. It allows the user to verbally command anyone he wants. We can step away and meet our needs offline in as many varied ways as possible so as to be less susceptible to online shaping of our minds. But it can get worse than that. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. Online reality can so easily be reduced to binary: all or nothing, black or white. At the time the phenomenon had seemed inexplicable, but now, with this new (and increasingly popular) concept of brainwashing, they had an explanation. But even when we are not directly coerced by the state we still, to some extent, freely allow our ideas and beliefs to be shaped online. The modern concept and the term "brainwashing" was first used by journalist Edward Hunter in 1951 to describe what had happened to American POWs during the Korean War. And when this vulnerability is forced upon them, they become more susceptible to ‘thought reform’. As Robert Cialdini rightly pointed out, we all need to have a sense that our actions and beliefs are consistent.3. He determined that they'd undergone a multistep process that began with attacks on the prisoner's sense of self and ended with what appeared to be a change in beliefs. Because of this, it requires that the subject be in complete isolation and highly dependent on the agent (i.e., "Introduction to Influence." And how could we be brainwashed through our own computer screens? Not surprisingly, he did become, at least for a while, somewhat radicalized by these coercive techniques. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Now I know Hearst reports that she was locked in a dark closet for several days after her kidnapping and was kept hungry, tired, brutalized and afraid for her life while SLA members bombarded her with their anti-capitalist political ideology. It is well recognized as a war crime and is deemed impermissible according to the Geneva Conventions. As in Soviet Russia, civilian prisoners were either worked to death or simply murdered. Excessive use of the internet does seem to cut into sleep time for many people.11 The resulting sleep deprivation can numb or even disable the part of the mind that helps us check our impressions of validity. In a state of breakdown resulting from an endless psychological attack, the small kindness seems huge, and the target may experience a sense of relief and gratitude completely out of proportion to the offering, as if the agent has saved his life. The Possibility of Salvation 4. Brainwashing belongs to Hitoshi Shinso. (1990). While the identity crisis is setting in, the agent is simultaneously creating an overwhelming sense of guilt in the target. I think “brainwashing” hogwash, despite depictions projected by, suffered by Jack Bauer (24 Hours) and real-world examples from a prison in Iraq, (wo)manned by US Citizen Soldiers. In the next section we'll look at the Lee Boyd Malvo case. ­Another "insanity by brainwashing" defense hit the courtroom ­30 years later, when Lee Boyd Malvo stood trial for his role in the 2002 sniper attacks in and around Washington, D.C. Thirty-five years ago I attended a lecture in London by the late and great Dr Arthur Deikman. With pop-ups, news updates, incoming messages, and increasingly desperate emotive clickbait, the online environment can also be overwhelming. May 5, 2004. What we have here is a clear-cut example of media brainwashing. Click here to subscribe free now. they must conversate, even one word would work! Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Copyright © 2021 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. "A Clockwork Orange" (1971) positions institutional brainwashing as an option for violent convicts looking to shorten their sentences, and in 1997's "Conspiracy Theory," a mentally unstable, government-brainwashed assassin seeks to prove that some very powerful people have been tampering with his mind. The victims of Chinese thought reform were often bombarded with stimulation – for example, people continually shouting at them, demanding their attention at all times. Arthur Koestler’s novel Darkness at Noon, based on the experiences of people he knew who had been imprisoned by Russian communists during the so-called Moscow show trials, brilliantly describes sleep deprivation as a way of ripening the mind of the victim for manipulation by the Soviet state. We’ve seen these cult-like patterns occur time and time again throughout history, from the zealous actual witch hunts in Europe and America, in which mass hysteria sometimes induced people to ‘confess’ to being witches, to 1950s American McCarthyism and the ‘red scare’, when people could be blacklisted simply for knowing someone who might have communist sympathies. An army veteran, Muhammad filled the teen's head with visions of an impending race war and trained Malvo in marksmanship. Brainwashing doesn't take any sci-fi gadgetry or Manchurian Candidate hypnotism bullshit. The future of brainwashing, if Hollywood and the conspiracy theorists are to be trusted, involves much more high-tech approaches. 10 May 2006. Although the internet should and can expose us to multiple viewpoints, if we tend to seek out online material that simply confirms our own ideologies (and this is quite a natural human behaviour) then our biases and beliefs tend to be reinforced. Persuasion, on the other hand, aims for a change in attitude, or "Do it because it'll make you feel good/happy/healthy/successful." Non-Communist outsiders were devalued and labelled ‘imperialists’ or ‘reactionaries’. For more information on brainwashing and related topics, check out the links that follow. U.S. Watching a friend or family member get brainwashed can be a helpless feeling. The brainwashing technique requires that the abuser behave especially nice or allow you temporary freedoms for being “good”. Cult leaders target the emotionally vulnerable. Malvo was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Some accounts show that faith in a higher power can assist a target in mentally detaching from the process. Drug experimentation by the CIA was officially cancelled by Congress in the 1970s, although some claim it still happens under the radar. But bit by bit the demands build from that basis of agreement until you have been properly radicalized with extremist views. Adams, Cecil. The target may feel a desire to reciprocate the kindness offered to him, and at this point, the agent may present the possibility of confession as a means to relieving guilt and pain. This is a systematic attack on a target's sense of self (also called his identity or ego) and his core belief system. But in order for brainwashing to ‘stick’, it needs to appeal on some level to our emotional impulses. We might think that brainwashing is harder to do now because outside, alternative influences are harder to control – and that’s true, to a degree. Whatever the cause, people seem to distinguish between brainwashing now and brainwashing in the future, the latter of which appears to be the more fearsome of the two. Trump is a DISGRACE to America, as is the ENTIRE USA Government. There are many forms of persuasion used today, particularly in politics. But the Chinese Communists seemed to genuinely want to ‘help’ their population, and any Western prisoners, to let their old selves die and be reborn as perfect socialist citizens. Brainwashing is far much more complex and has been used for controlling populations and taking the country down a certain route for generations. In other words, it is practically following someone blindly without questions. We all have needs for attention, conformity, a sense of status within a group, connection to a meaning greater than ourselves, and, of course, safety and security. Someone is said to be brainwashed when their mind is controlled or altered by force, changing what they believe, think,  value and do. The Chinese Communists demanded devout reverence for Mao Zedong. In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the target's identity to the point that it doesn't work anymore. A brainwashing process like the one discussed above has not been tested in a modern laboratory setting, because it's damaging to the target and would therefore be an unethical scientific experiment. They tend to be simplistic beliefs which are inflexible and absolute. Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combine­s all of these approaches to cause changes in someone's way of thinking without that person's consent and often against his will., "Brainwashing." But it was when the practice spread to China and the writings of Chairman Mao Tse-tung ("The Little Red Book") that the world started to take notice. Introduction to How Brainwashing Works 2. By: Julia Layton What is brainwashing? The term is a translation of hsi-nao,a Chinese term meaning “to cleanse the mind”.2 Hunter claimed that the population of China was being brainwashed by the Communist Party in their universities and re-education camps. Photo courtesy Keystone/Consolidated News Pictures/Getty Images. She only served two -- in 1979, President Carter commuted her sentence. Film and television tends to exaggerate what brainwashing is and how far this extreme form of social influence can go.. Julia Layton The internet provides the perfect forum to devalue the outsider. BRAINWASHING Edgar H. Schein Brainwashing is a colloquial term which has been used in reference to the systematic efforts of the Chinese Communists (and by implication the Soviets) to persuade non-believers to accept Communist allegiance, commands, and/or doc-trine by coercive means. Here's how the Hero-hopeful's Brainwashing works now. His first interrogation lasted one hour, during which he was made to stand. Many of us, if we are honest, have a drive to feel superior to some other group, be it Republicans, Democrats, religious people, non-religious people… ad infinitum. See: Lifton, R. J., Flora, Carlin. The pressures of cultish environments that he discussed included: But while the use of these pressures to force conformity is nothing new, I was surprised to hear that the idea of brainwashing, often now called ‘radicalization’, is actually pretty recent. We can be manipulated by any source that seems to promise the completion of our basic emotional or physical needs, whether that source be one person or many. We can resist shaming and demonizing those who hold opposing views, and we can refrain from using the online world as a way to simply meet our need for emotional stimuli or for zealous righteousness. There are psychologists who say the apparent conversion of American POWs during the Korean War was the result of plain-old torture, not "brainwashing.", "Schein's stages of conversion." This new idea of brainwashing suddenly gave the American public an explanation for some very disturbing events. Beliefs and demonize anyone whose comments conflict with our interconnected, enlightened times a consistent sense of shame, everything... Coercive techniques many forms of persuasion ( revised edition ) of indoctrination and brainwashing is the concept that subject. 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