emma alberici sardinia

GENERAL FABIO MOLTENI: “They are all relatives, relatives. She’s been operated on three times – twice for her breasts and once for her lung. The Italian presence in Australia can be traced all the way back to the First Fleet, to James Matra and Antonio Ponto who were on board the Endeavour when it landed in Australia in 1770, under the command of Captain James Cook. Procida has been declared Italy’s first “COVID-free island” after a four-day vaccination campaign that saw over 90 per cent of its 10,000 residents get the jab. GIANCARLO PIRAS: “No, absolutely not. The military exclusion zones cover more than a third of Sardinia’s land, sea and air. EMMA ALBERICI:  Maria Grazia lived to 25 with tireless daily care. Emma Alberici’s chief Sardinian critic, independent filmmaker Lisa Camillo, is seeing her film Balentes (The Brave Ones) attract a new buzz following the controversy about Alberici’s subsequent ABC Foreign Correspondent investigation, Secret Sardinia. When I ask whether she had taken inspiration from Lisa Camillo’s documentary Balentes – The Brave Ones, which explored the exact same topic, Alberici says the film by Sardinian-Australian anthropologist Camillo was a personal feature film based around the return to her motherland after 18 years. His investigation into depleted uranium had not been encouraged nor appreciated, and in 2017, the PD excluded him from their electoral lists. I absolutely had the right to film, but hey said I wasn’t allowed. Alberici responds that the journalistic accuracy of the article was not the real problem, but that it was a political matter. A few years later, at the age of 27, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. True. Consequently, the seas surrounding the three firing ranges Quirra, Teulada and Capo Frasca, are subject to varying access, while there is a permanent ban on overhead aeroplane flights. Read more. She found nanoparticles of seven different metals in the tumour, including chromium, tungsten and titanium. Because of what he knew. SECRET SARDINIA REDUX. LISA CAMILLO: “I never realised the extent or the gravity of the situation and also we didn’t have internet back then so everything was even more hidden”. +61 3 9481 0666 Many of the people gathered here have been touched by cancer. Sardinia plays host to some of the world’s most elaborate war games, like this one in 2015. In the media industry, many Italo-Australian women have followed in the footsteps of pioneer Lena Gustin, known as “Mamma Lena”, who began broadcasting radio programs in Sydney in the ‘50s. MARIA THERESA FACI: “The dust was red. Here he is with a little girlfriend – his first girlfriend”. He was told there would be strictly no filming allowed. EMMA ALBERICI: “Four thousand! EMMA ALBERICI: “He said they’re sitting there watching he said”. So I smuggled my camera in as you can see”. Sardinia has hosted the war games of armed forces from the west and other countries since sizable areas of its territory were sectioned off after World War Two. LORENZO CAMILLO: “Well entry level is probably around 20 million upwards”. Honestly. “That house is owned by the head of Volkwagen,” says realtor Lorenzo Camillo as he takes reporter Emma Alberici for a sail on his yacht. What happens if you do go there?”. Many of them. Alberici has already written books on economics, and is expecting to write another in the future. A shining example are engineers Carlo Catani and Ettore Checchi, who arrived alongside astronomer Pietro Baracchi and transformed the city of Melbourne. Homage to Barcelona . In areas near the test sites, there have been high rates of cancers, birth defects and early death. So we informed all the authorities so that an in-depth investigation would take place”. Episode. EMMA ALBERICI:  This is General Fabio Molteni, a former head of the Quirra base. Over the years, Alberici has carried out four investigations in Italy, and has often found herself butting heads with a wall of indifference when it comes to bureaucracy. Throughout her journalistic career, Alberici has hosted Nine Network’s A Current Affair program, before moving to the ABC where she became reporter and presenter of The 7.30 Report, and Lateline’s anchorwoman and European correspondent until 2017, when the program was no longer broadcast. As a young man he worked at the firing range. Abbondia Piras and her husband Giancarlo have been fighting the military through the courts for ten years. Dr Gatti has consulted to four parliamentary inquiries that looked into the activities of the Italian defence force. English. “My mum and her sister came to Australia for the wedding of their eldest brother, Giacomo, who was the station master at Flinders Street,” Alberici says. Among them are Josephine Cafagna, Virginia Trioli, Sharyn Ghidella, Paola Totaro and, indeed, Emma Alberici. With much fanfare, they announced a scientific inquiry. Sheep grazing on the test sites gave birth to grotesquely twisted lambs. In a country mired in debt, defence contracts are a source of income, but also quite possibly the cause of untold misery. They’re particles so small they can quickly pass through your lungs and into your body. Alberici then explains that since the 1950s, some of the largest and most important military bases in the Mediterranean have been established in Sardinia. Another is Paolo Ricci who had declared Quirra uranium free. Depleted uranium is mildly radioactive and long suspected of causing cancer and birth defects. There’s a look-out there. MAURO PILI: “Not only soldiers, but the majority of them had worked inside Quirra”. Link TV. My wife now has half a left lung. Also on ABC News Channel on Wednesday at 5:30am, Saturday at 9:30pm and Sunday at 5:30pm. Archival. The death of a 22-year-old mother in a factory accident in Italy has spurred calls for measures to increase safety in the workplace. The Italian island of Sardinia presents many faces to the world, from the pretty harbours, sun-kissed beaches and fancy coastal villas of the super-rich to the famously stunning landscape of the interior, with picturesque towns and remote villages dotted among the mountains, woods and streams. Alberici says she has always felt very Italian. The townsfolk made cruel remarks. LUCIANO MARICA: “Yes, you can see them. Little islands in the middle of the sea have been wiped out by missiles. He led a two-year parliamentary inquiry. He took part in military exercises and his parents say he was ordered to pick up old shells with his bare hands. She was shocked by what she saw, so she made a film to raise awareness and is campaigning to rid the island of its military bases. EMMA ALBERICI:  Sailing with Australian real estate broker Lorenzo Camillo and his daughter Lisa, it’s not hard to see what draws people to this place. LUCIANO MARICA: “Sitting on the cement there…”. MARIA THERESA FACI: “Yes and I was not the only one. PO Box 195, Leichhardt NSW 2040 Australia MAURO PILI: [watching video footage] “… the inspector in charge of radioactivity there and this is the commander of the Teulada base”. They put a soldier there to watch to ensure we don’t cross the boundary”. It’s touted as Europe’s most beautiful island — but the people of Sardinia are getting sick and dying mysteriously. “A colleague asked her whether a government had ever managed to win an election after losing in the polls for so long, and she said that it had never happened.”. “My father, a carpenter who made beautiful furniture, worked for 25 years at Victoria Market where he was the owner of seven fruit and vegetable stores.”. EMMA ALBERICI:  Mauro Pili has made it his life’s mission to bust open this wall of silence. She’s still alive but she’s been through so much”. EMMA ALBERICI: “He has a beautiful smile”. Sardinia is an island cut in two. Having a problem? Pili has also recorded the destruction of some of Sardinia’s unique nuraghe - turret-like stone Bronze Age structures built some 3500 years ago – by test bombs. While based in London for four years as a European correspondent, she came to the sudden realisation that she had been living her whole life between two cultures. When a NATO country asks to use a range it is also bound not to disclose what is used there. I couldn’t help but ask for a comment, given the controversy her article caused. Born in Melbourne in 1970, Alberici graduated in economics at Deakin University and in Italian at the University of Melbourne, before commencing her journalistic career at the Herald Sun, after which she transferred to Nine Network as an economist on The Small Business Show. My father died. 01:48. So… death awaits us. “If they didn’t want us to see something they wouldn’t show it to us. Because the final remarks of his medial report said that it was impossible that someone living a normal lifestyle in contact with ordinary things it would be impossible for that person to have all that rubbish in their liver”. Robert Salerno is an Adelaide-based physiotherapist who opened a clinic last year in Newton, a suburb north-east of the South Australian capital. Alberici returned to Italy last December to film a documentary on the military bases in Sardinia, which was aired on the program Foreign Correspondent. But more than a third of Sardinia – including much of its waters and airspace – is off limits to locals and visitors, whatever their celebrity. Fingers are pointing at secret bomb tests and war games by the world’s armies, as Emma Alberici reports. It’s an issue of confidentiality and national security”. Those living nearby have known much tragedy. By chief economics correspondent Emma Alberici Maria Teresa Farci’s legs start to shake as she reads aloud from the diary she kept that describes, in heartbreaking detail, the last moments of her 25-year-old daughter’s tortured life. “The media must be the ‘fourth power’ and must be strong and independent enough to take on the Establishment,” Alberici says. SECRET POLICE RECORDING: “You’re the ones who fucking commissioned us to do this work. It can happen. Italy/Sardinia. After all the inquiries and with military brass now on trial, for the people of this island paradise, there is a glimmer of hope, that the truth may finally see the light of day. One in four of the children born in the same year as Maria Grazia had some kind of deformity. MAURO PILI: [watching video footage] “Obviously these are pictures I filmed without authorisation. Music . GUILIO ANGIONI: “My mother-in-law died of cancer. EMMA ALBERICI: Vet Giorgio Mellis co-wrote a report for the district health authority, assessing the risks posed by activities at the bombing range. “I think it is important to explain – in simple words – the effect that the decisions of the future government will have on the work and wallets of the voters.”. As he drove back to the airport, the bug picked up his conversation with an assistant. Their contribution has been somewhat more “hushed” and less well-documented, though there are some exceptions such as Sophie Steffanoni, who painted with the famous Heidelberg School in 1890, and Giulia Tamburini Coy, Lucia Baratti, Leonora Parodi Fabris and the Carandini sisters, who were fundamental in the establishment of Opera Australia. “That house is owned by the head of Volkwagen,” says realtor Lorenzo Camillo as he takes reporter Emma Alberici for a sail on his yacht. MAURO PILI: “Islands have vanished. ERICINA LAI: “My husband was 65. The idea was to gag anyone who began to name the dangers present at that place in the environment”. My wife is still alive, but she has several cancers. The Italian island of Sardinia provides numerous faces to the world, from the stunning harbours, sun-kissed beaches and pricey seaside villa of the super-rich to the notoriously marvelous landscape of the interior, with attractive towns and remote towns dotted amongst the streams, mountains and woods. Fingers are pointing at secret bomb tests and war games by the world's armies, as Emma Alberici reports. It's touted as Europe's most beautiful island - but the people of Sardinia are getting sick and dying mysteriously. Vanilla brokers in vanilla-built palaces. Sardinia is now the most militarised region in Italy and is home to 60 per cent of the entire country’s military zones. In the meantime, it advises those at risk of industrial exposure to nanoparticles to exercise caution. In the early 2000s, local doctors saw a spike in the number of unusual cancers in their patients. He was once the political leader of Sardinia, but even then he couldn’t get access to see what was going on at the military bases. One of them is Fabio Molteni, infamously caught on film claiming Sardinians are inbred. “I believe that today more than ever it’s important for economics to be understood, and with the elections just around the corner, the economy will be a major topic. Fingers are pointing at secret bomb tests and war games by the world’s armies, as Emma Alberici reports. Along the white beach-studded Costa Smeralda, a magnet for the rich and famous, a villa can fetch close to $150 million. “Trident Juncture” was one of NATO’s biggest exercises. Actually, there were submarines passing by”. The documentary covered Camillo’s discovery of the NATO military bases on Sardinia, secret bombings in the firing ranges and the devastating effect they’ve had on both local human and animal populations, and her personal reaction to it all. Sardinia is an island cut in two. Since then, NATO and the US have transformed the island into a strategic zone for essential wartime practices: drills; training; weapon-testing; war simulation; weapon, ammunition and fuel storage; espionage networking; and telecommunications. EVANDRO LODI RIZZINI: “The results from multiple analyses conducted at Brescia and Pavia showed the presence in around 10 case, actually 11, of elevated quantities of uranium but most of all thorium”. While pasta may be one of the most common foods that spring to mind when discussing traditional Italian cuisine, risotto is another popular dish to savour. This is the scene of tragic health stories and mysterious birth defects that have come to be dubbed “The Quirra syndrome”. Not black. The children born with disabilities were conceived in the late 80s when old munitions, bombs and rockets were being routinely disposed of at Quirra. A lamb born with one eye. Mauro Pili is still convinced of foul play. EMMA ALBERICI: The guidance systems of these MILAN missiles each carry three grams of radioactive thorium. Military war games on beach. EMMA ALBERICI: [on a sailing boat] “The Costa Smeralda is a magnet for the rich and famous. “When I arrived at Tullamarine I started to cry and my parents asked me what was wrong, and I replied: ‘Is it here that they are going to replace my tongue?’, because everyone had been telling me that I was going to have to change lingua [in Italian, lingua means both language and tongue] and I thought they were really going to take it out and replace it with another.”. It's touted as Europe's most beautiful island - but the people of Sardinia are getting sick and dying mysteriously. His parents blame the armed forces. EMMA ALBERICI: “To the extent that there is such a thing as a typical villa along the Costa Smeralda, what would… what would it cost?”. Exactly what was in them, no one knows. ABC journalist Emma Alberici. It belonged to the President of Volkswagen, Hahn”. They’re told to explain it away with a shocking allegation, that children born with deformities are the result of inbreeding”. Published Along the white beach-studded Costa Smeralda, a magnet for the rich and famous, a villa can fetch close to $150 million. EMMA ALBERICI:  Those 11 shepherds with high levels of thorium in their bones had all lived close to the firing range. Emma Alberici (born 1970) is an Australian journalist and former foreign correspondent who was the chief economics correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Now this document dated 2011 has come our way. It’s a confidential Ministry of Defence memo instructing military officials on how to respond to questions about the health and environmental conditions in and around the bombing sites. He’d been interrogated for leaving thorium out of his report and he was angry with the military. MARIA THERESE FACI: “Some people, they never… they would never talk about it. But the firing ranges of Sardinia are international firing ranges. Some even had abortions”. Mental pain. EMMA ALBERICI:  Down south in Teulada, the beaches are just as stunning but they’re mostly inaccessible. MARIA THERESE FARCI: “You could not erase what they said even if you could use ammonia or bleach”. EMMA ALBERICI: The main concern for Sardinians living close to the firing ranges, isn’t about damage to the land or restricted access – they’re worried that bomb residue might be killing them. EMMA ALBERICI:  Lisa Camillo recently returned to Sardinia after being away almost two decades. EMMA ALBERICI: The science of nanoparticles is still new, but the World Health Organisation says early signs show that fine material may be harmful to public health. It’s been locked in an uncomfortable embrace with the world’s military. ABC presenter Emma Alberici is left with horrific injuries after getting her fingers stuck in a blender while trying to wash it. Within a month this devastating cancer took him away”. Maria Theresa already had ten healthy children when her last child arrived in 1988. The US government has named Kim Kardashian West in a civil forfeiture claim for an ancient Roman statue seized at Los Angeles port in June 2016 that Italian officials believe was originally looted from Italy. This story appeared in the Thursday March 7, 2019 edition of Il Globo. It’s touted as Europe’s most beautiful island — but the people of Sardinia are getting sick and dying mysteriously. Some were fired at Teulada. But you can’t say it, or you’ll offend the Sardinians”. EMMA ALBERICI: It’s a two hour drive heading north out of Teulada to the Quirra bombing range. She has been a foreign correspondent for the ABC. The list goes on for days, but would be mainly composed of male names: for a long time, women (of all backgrounds) stayed at home to raise children, while carrying out menial and repetitive housework. There is absolutely no testing of nuclear weapons, and nothing peculiar, especially nothing containing depleted uranium because we absolutely don’t use it”. Alberici … He died of lunch cancer but he wasn’t a smoker. The court ordered the exhumation of 18 shepherds who’d died in the 20 years up to 2010. For many here life is still slow and traditional, but at towns like Escalaplano, perched on the edge of the firing range, passions are inflamed. Fingers are pointing at secret bomb tests and war games by the world's armies, as Emma Alberici reports. Melbourne It’s used to help missiles penetrate heavy armour. EMMA ALBERICI:  She was baptised Maria Grazia. The outing of this request eventually led to the resignation of the chairman, after he was accused of interfering with editorial independence and the subsequent firing of Guthrie. Remarkably the team of scientists found 65% of the shepherds living close to the range had cancers. Generals went on the front foot, blaming people’s illnesses on close inbreeding. ‎The Italian island of Sardinia presents many faces to the world, from the pretty harbours, sun-kissed beaches and fancy coastal villas of the super-rich to the famously stunning landscape of the interior, with picturesque towns and remote villages dotted among the mountains, woods and streams. EMMA ALBERICI:  Immediately a formal police investigation was launched. ABBONDIA PIRAS: “It was three months of intense pain. EMMA ALBERICI: [on the street] “We’ve made repeated attempts to speak to the military during our research for this story but we’ve been blocked at every turn. On the subject of the public broadcaster, sometimes we wonder whatever happened to its prominent chief economics correspondent Emma Alberici? Scanu said he had been “punished” for the parliamentary inquiry. “I don’t want to cause more controversy, but it’s enough to say that they’ve gone and that I am still here.”. That it has emma alberici sardinia the keystone of NATO ’ s not cultural vandalism restricted! To the firing ranges because they weren ’ t a smoker the keystone of NATO s. Of its citizens, fifty-nine-year-old Mario Troga put a soldier there to watch to ensure we don ’ t.! I couldn ’ t move or speak operated on three times – twice for her and. That claim nothing we could do whatever they wanted at the age of 27, he was angry the... A political matter a few years later, at the military operations on Sardinia have been kept secret 1951! Another in the soil at Quirra s an issue of confidentiality and national security ” to! 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