croatian customs and etiquette

I’m Croatian living in Ireland now, and my Irish colleague 100% agreed with your observations, especially regarding our obsession with keeping warm. (this period is known as “babinje”), unless you’re explicitly invited or you’re an immediate family member like a mom, dad, brother or sister. Croatian History and little known facts! “Polako” (meaning slowly / slow down) is a word that is said VERY often in Croatia. Another quick note is that meals are slow paced, so don’t rush through. the most recent global estimates cited in the CIA World Factbook. This was very strange for me, as North American culture is very hush-hush around this subject. Moving here, I really had to work at it (with the exception of a few amazing *synchro skating friends that I made instantly, as we quickly bonded & trusted each other as teammates, which lead to some real, accelerated friendships). CIA World Factbook There’s a strange phenomenon about track/sports pants & sweaters, though. Tipping in Croatia: A Complete Guide With Suggested Amounts! Nobody expects you to become a native overnight, but before you head off on your travels, make sure you familiarise yourself with your destination and its local laws and customs. Do's and Don'ts. Visits tend to be arranged in advance, but unexpected guests are generally welcomed. If you’re traveling through the city on the bus or tram, always give up your seat for any elderly or pregnant passengers. All other statistical information on the demographics of the migrant Language and manners. Always bring a gift if you visit someone’s home, and put on the slippers that will be provided. Honorific titles include the following and are usually followed by the surname of the addressed. Follow Us A community built resource for cross-cultural etiquette … Religion – Most Croatians are Roman Catholic and religion is a unifying factor of Croatian culture. Kids love when guests come over because they know they’ll usually get a small treat. Rather than say ‘grace’, some families will make the sign of the cross across their chest and say ‘amen’ before eating. Croatians tend to avoid wasting food. What should and shouldn’t you do when you’re invited to someone’s house or get together for coffee? The figure of the total population of each country is drawn This word nicely sums up the culture of “punctuality” in Croatia. Business cards (in Croatian: posjetnice) are usually simple, including only the basics such as company logo, name, business title, telephone number, address, e-mail, and web address.Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. Avoid giving an even number of flowers to someone. However, Croatians are open to conversing about the political situation and politics of the country. In most cases, the the tip and taxes are included in the bill, so tipping is not necessary. It is expected that you leave a 10% gratuity, even if there is a fee included on your bill. Usually, people won’t even firmly commit to anything if it’s too far in advance. Croatians in Australia. In Croatia, being late isn’t rude, but spending only 30 mins with someone for coffee is. ​In business, it’s a little more “on time,” but in everyday life, people aren’t too concerned about rigid times for meeting, leaving etc. Communication. Contact us today to start planning your custom-made Croatia tour. Guide to travel, doing business, and studying in Croatia - culture, greetings, gestures, etiquette, protocol, negotiations, gift-giving, and more. Really made me laugh with your articles! That’s the custom in nearby Serbia and then you’ll will be the awkward one who leaned in when they pulled back. Yes, the receipt fights are a must :). Rather, Croatians tend to keep their hands above the table. To help you navigate the Australian rules of etiquette, here’s what you need to know. Tipping in Croatia – the restaurant etiquette; Tips in bars, cafes, taxis, hotels and other services; Leaving a tip – the Croatian waitress viewpoint; The epic Croatian waiter rant: a tipping league table by tourism country ​I was in my pjs for a month straight, focused on my baby, and it was great. So happy you enjoyed and got a good laugh ❤️ I love Croatia and enjoy writing about my experiences here . Croatians tend to be extremely punctual and expect others to be on time. Wearing overly casual clothing in public may be considered inappropriate. Followers of Total Hvar can be forgiven for thinking that the most common form of address on the island is ‘Eh –ee’, sounding like a drawn-out but crisp ‘a’ in English, and probably spelt ‘Ei’ in Croatian… You won’t offend anyone if you reject the wine (although they might think you’re a bit strange ;). Department of Home Affairs’ Community Information Summaries. 10.5 million) is situated in the heart of Central Europe and is bordered by Germany They will raise their glasses and say ‘. When the soup is done, and bowls are cleared, the main course will come. The culture of Croatia has roots in a long history: the Croatian people have been inhabiting the area for fourteen centuries, but there are important remnants of the earlier periods still preserved in the country.. Because of its geographic position, Croatia represents a blend of four different cultural spheres. I love the fighting over receipts.Thank you for sharing your immersion in the Croatian culture. We hope you have an incredible time in Croatia :), I love the article, I just don't agree about the part about birthday presents! Business cards and gift giving. One of my American friends in Zagreb perfectly described the difference in how Croatians trust each other, vs. how North Americans trust each other: in North America, trust starts high and declines; in Croatia, trust starts low and builds. The Croatian people like to spend time together. With handshakes, it’s important to look the other person in the eye. In Croatia, it takes a very long time to build a true friendship (months, years). All companies have to adhere to government regulations in the areas of health and safety, discrimination, minimum … Meals in Croatia are served “family-style”. Austrian etiquette also dictates that you should never show up at someone’s home without warning. In my opinion, this tradition of babinje should make its way to North America! from the global estimates listed in the Local culture, customs and etiquette A bit of local knowledge can go a long way to enhance your travel experience and earn you respect in the country you're visiting. There are a few different ways to greet people in Croatia. It gave me plenty of time to heal, bond with my newborn, establish breastfeeding, and. I’ve learned all of these (some the hard way), by going from a complete foreigner in Croatia when I moved here years ago, to now feeling like a local. If the purpose for visiting is a dinner party, guests should wait for the host to show them where to sit. This was retrieved from the Thanks for reading, Paul! A handshake, direct eye contact and the appropriate greeting for the time of day are standard. This is known as 'akademska četvrt'. If you go to a cafe you can simply round up, although it isn’t required. If you try to rush someone, they’ll say “polako.” If someone sees you rushing, they’ll say “polako.” If you tell someone you’re on the way, they’ll say “samo polako” (just slowly). A guide on customs and traditions in Indonesia to help travelers avoid any awkward misunderstandings. Appropriate gifts are usually a bottle of wine, sweets or an odd number of flowers (an even number of flowers is for the deceased). Croatian business people wear suits to the office and to business meetings. Don’t dig in until others do, to make sure you’re not eating before everyone’s ready. But, there are certain behaviours that may give off the wrong impression. (which is really an early dinner in North American terms): In Croatia, lunch is eaten late, around 2-3pm, and it’s the biggest meal of the day. Well, for one, Australia is generally pretty relaxed when it comes to customs and formalities. Soccer is life. If you’re invited over for lunch, you’re not getting sandwiches! All rights reserved. Department of Home Affairs’ Community Information Summaries. To the left, to the left… and Population Census. , Etiquette Croatians often enjoy visiting and socialising with one another. turistička agencija, One Day Boating to Elaphite Islands from Dubrovnik, Croatian Culture, Etiquette & Social Norms - Photo credit IG @juri_sydney_photographer. Croatian Culture – Key Concepts and Values. In competition among 190 nominated products Shake perfume for a car received a CROPACK AWARD certifying a nomination for a CroPak award for the best packaging and etiquette from the aspect of graph ic design and marking in the category of series of Croatian product in the year 2004 , and meeting high criteria in compliance with the Rules on awarding . If you have a large group, or have excellent service, a 10-15 % would be appropriate. Many people socialise over a cup of coffee. Upon arrival, the first question your hosts will ask is “sto ces piti?” (what would you like to drink?). Friends will forgive tardiness so long as it is not a recurring behaviour. If eating in a restaurant or cafe and your Croatian counterpart insists on paying, let them pay. ... Croatia Curaçao ... Often all it takes to follow proper etiquette in Indonesia is a smile and a humble demeanor. unless otherwise stated. If you’re going to a home that has small children, bringing a little gift for them is also typical (this can be something small like a Kinder Egg, some candy, a simple toy). Do not … You can find a direct link to all these sources under the ‘References’ Usually a day or two will suffice (sometimes you can even make plans for later on that same day - gasp!!). Keep in mind, too, that a meet up for coffee typically lasts a while, easily reaching 2+hrs (especially on weekends). A look at tipping culture from both the customer and the waiter, and meet the Book of Complaints. I am Croatian and we always buy proper presents :), Thanks for your input, Tatjana! Avoid speaking of Serbia (even if it’s next on your travel list) Of course, it’s a little far-fetched to think … Thanks Tom! The dress code is formal in Croatia. as they’ll think you didn’t enjoy yourself. Etiquette People stand close to one another and talk loudly. Croatians often enjoy visiting and socialising with one another. are out-dated, unavailable, unreliable, or the country’s It’s very common for friends to casually talk about money & personal finances: how much they make; how much they paid for their car; their mortgage rates, etc. Don’t schedule a meeting with someone if you only have 30 minutes. People will usually just give children a kiss on their heads. They go to each other houses and have dinners together. To politely request no more food, guests usually say, ‘, When consuming alcohol, it is common for people to toast. It’s worth while to mention though, if you are the one who explicitly arranged the get together and invited the other person, then you have the upper hand of being able to pick up the tab. where a big platters of different dishes will be put in the middle, and you can help yourself to your portion. If you’re interested in reading a few of our other posts about Croatia: 38 Local Tips & Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling to Croatia, Travel to Croatia With a Toddler or Baby (From Experience!). 2. Thanks Ana-Marija! It is only with close friends or direct family members that first names are used. Don’t try to kiss three times, either. They like to organize coffee dates in the short term, as they see what else is going on in their lives at that time. Flowers are also nice, but only bring an odd number - apparently an even number of flowers is only given when someone has died. It’s perfectly normal to see a man in a tracksuit walking hand in hand with a woman dressed up like she’s going to a fancy dinner party. This was challenging for me when I first moved to Croatia, because I always made friends very quickly and easily back in Canada. It’s a bit complicated, and depends on your closeness to the other person, as well as your gender. I am a Croatian girl living abroad, however I was born in Croatia and lived there until I was 24. I also didn’t have to host anyone while I was still recovering from childbirth. Greet people as you pass them casually around the workplace or in public. You don’t have to arrange a get together weeks in advance. What are typical Croatian social norms and etiquette? You’re safe with a handshake when you greet someone, but watch out for the lean, the kiss and the eye contact. We give people 100% trust from the beginning, and it fades only when/if someone does something to show us we shouldn’t trust them anymore. 4. Generally, Croatians don’t like small talk very much (not that anyone really does), but they like to get to know each other well, and conversation covers most topics. (or if you're still hungry, just keep eating... the host will be thrilled! Nonetheless, the first group of Croatian immigrants came during the gold rush era. Other Considerations. Many fans were surprised by the Croatian national team’s run to the final of the 2018 … Usually, they are making jokes and talking very loudly. Ivan is always searching for unique places and experiences to offer his guests and wants to share some of his findings through the blog. People will usually just give children a kiss on their heads. A 15-minute ‘grace period’ is socially acceptable in most situations. You’ll usually be invited over on a Sunday, when the most special meal of the week is prepared. Even visiting a mom & baby in the hospital is very strict. If you don’t take seconds, the host might think you didn’t like the meal (seriously). In terms of punctuality, it is considered good manners to be punctual. That being said, punctuality has more importance in a professional setting than in social ones. linguistic, religious and ethnic demographics are based on Read Our 20 Useful Safety Tips for Tourists. Croatian Etiquette: Proper Behavior and Manners; Common Croatian Words and Phrases; Common Croatian Names (boys and girls) Croatian Alphabet and Written Character History; Croatian Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations! You can download this cultural profile in an easy-to-read PDF This does not prevent them from being generous and offering an abundance of food to guests. In short: Croatians are pretty relaxed, but dress nicely; they love socializing over coffee and fighting over who gets to pay; they never show up to someone’s house empty-handed (or on time); they always give new moms & babies 40 days of peace after childbirth; they’re polite but not pushy; and Croatians are incredible hosts, so mind your manners and always take seconds. If you go to someone’s home, you can bring a small gift, but if it’s a good friend who you see often, a gift really isn’t necessary. Once again, Austrian etiquette requires a certain level of reserve in conversation. Once the winner takes the receipt, the other person begs the the winner to let him pay instead, but the winner doesn’t cave. However, if these statistics About 99% of the time, the main meal will begin with a bowl of homemade soup. population in Australia is based on the 2016 Australian Housing It’s the same with friendships (as trust goes hand in hand with friendship, of course). Men almost always shake hands with other men when they greet each other, regardless of whether they’re family or strangers (but can sometimes do the double cheek kiss + hug, with other men who are very good friends). I really loved this rule after the birth of each of my babies here in Croatia. Hvala. In Croatia, only the deceased are given an even number of flowers. The Czech Republic (pop. Men will always shake a woman’s hand first when in a group. Croatia Travel Itinerary for 5, 7 & 10 Days, How I Learned to Speak Croatian as an Adult (in 7 Steps), Driving in Croatia (A Helpful Guide With Practical Tips), Zagreb’s Flea Market, Hrelic: A Helpful Guide, Croatian Money: KN or EURO, Exchanging $, and Daily Costs, 8 Reasons You Should Never Swim in the Adriatic, Top 10 Day Trips From Zagreb, Within 1hr Drive, 5 Reasons Croatian Grannies are Cuter than Kittens, 9 Reasons You Should NEVER Use a Travel Agent, Our Insider’s Guide to Wineries & Wine Tasting Near Zagreb, Direct Flights to Croatia From North America (& Asia) in 2020, Is Croatia Safe? if someone tells you to meet them at 2:00pm, it usually means ~2:15pm. In Croatia, people are given 0% trust from the beginning, and as you get to know each other better, trust builds - and when it does, you’re “in” for life. Refusing the offer may be interpreted as refusing the host’s hospitality and can cause offense. Once you move to the table and officially start the meal, it’s typical in Croatia to say a quick prayer, and/or do the sign of the cross before eating. If you greet someone with a kiss on only one cheek and pull back, the other person will have already leaned in to your other cheek and it will be weird. It is considered rude to place one’s hands below the table. Conversation and communication in Austria. Croatians often give simple rather than lavish gifts. My advice is to just put your hand out for a shake, and then if someone initiates doing the double cheek kiss as you’re shaking hands, just follow along! Keep reading for more info on etiquette, including Sunday lunches, shopping, making plans, friendship, trust, visiting newborns and more! Business Culture. No need for handshakes or double cheek kisses with kids, which makes things simple. Croatian Heritage and Culture; Croatian Geography and Location (typically chicken or beef broth with thin, short noodles). If the gift is large, a Croatian may distribute the gift among family members. ), In typical Croatian fashion, you will most likely be offered wine with your meal as well, but if you’d prefer something else, that’s totally fine. Women’s business attire is formal and must not be too revealing. Croatians are also very honest people, they won’t tell you something looks nice if it doesn’t, or that something tastes good if it doesn’t, and they won’t hold back on letting you know if you’ve put on a few pounds over the holidays (that just means you enjoyed yourself)! The majority of socializing happens over coffee. (indicating when these statistics were last updated). Croatian traditions and customs Franjo Hanaman – the father of lightbulbs In the atmosphere of the exhibition ‘Hrvatska svijetu’ or ‘Croatia to the world,’ in Zagreb’s Meštrović Pavilion – let us… W hen learning about Croatian culture keep in mind that the 1990s, marked Serbian aggression and the following war between Croatia and Serbia, are still a painful subject, but generally there should be no problem if you approach that topic with respect. Once the main course is finished, and after a short break, coffee and dessert will be served. Croatian people like playing cards. It’s funny to see this “receipt fight” every time, but people like treating their friends when they meet for coffee or a drink. Another note is that scheduling a meet up with a friend is pretty easy in Croatia. I'm first generation Croatian American. In Croatia, lunch is considered to be the main meal of the day and may consist of multiple courses. to put them on (although they’ll be weirded out if you don’t), but people will also expect that you’ll have extra slippers for them if they come into your home. With kisses, the numbers are important. If a man and woman are friends, they will greet each other with a simultaneous handshake and a kiss on each cheek. It is common etiquette in Croatia to address members of society with honorific titles as a sign of respect and societal distance. You’ll either meet somewhere in town, or host/be hosted at someone’s house who will “skuhati kavu” (cook coffee). As a Canadian in Croatia, Sarah aims to share her favourite things to see and do, in hopes of helping others enjoy and explore this beautiful country. Here I’ll outline some simple social rules and etiquette to follow when hanging out with Croatians. This also means fewer people holding the baby and fewer germs coming into the house for the first 6 weeks. It is considered impolite to refuse refreshments from the host. Croatians are quite hospitable and will try to be exceptional hosts. Very nicely articulated! Makes me look forward to visit and enjoy Croatia!! Every house has multiple pairs of “guest slippers,” and usually in a few different sizes! It’s also normal here for the host to open the gift when it's given (if it’s wrapped or in a gift bag, of course). When dining with Croatians, it is polite to wait for a moment to see if someone will say a prayer of thanks prior to eating the meal. Croatians tend to dress very nicely and care about appearances. It is common for Croatians to visit friends and family unannounced. Gifts are typically opened when received unless otherwise specified. Dessert is usually a delicious homemade cake or strudel. Their goal is to host you the best you’ve ever been hosted, and they’ll do anything they can to accommodate you. Croatia has many unofficial naturist beaches and nudity is well accepted. Culture and Language Croatian Etiquette . Next, a platter of cured meat, cheese, olives, pickles etc. Croatians believe that soup “opens your appetite” so you’ll be able to eat more of what’s to come. When you are invited to someone’s house, it’s the norm in Croatia to bring a small gift. Join over 450 organisations already creating a better workplace. You’ll casually eat & drink while you chat with the hosts until lunch officially begins. If it’s your birthday and you meet your friends for lunch, dinner, dessert or drinks, you will ALWAYS grab the bill. With the double cheek kiss, there’s no hard rule on what cheek to kiss first. Well, I think that pretty much covers the main aspects of Croatian culture, etiquette and social norms. See below: In North America, we trust people quite easily. Someone will grab the receipt when you’re finishing up your get together, and typically whoever takes the receipt first will be the winner (and get to pay). Women greet their female friends with a kiss on each cheek, and sometimes a hug, but acquaintances with a hand shake. ​Your birthday is the ONLY time someone won’t fight you for the receipt. Guests are expected to bring a gift for the hosts. is very often said to imply they’ll organize the details for a loosely scheduled future get together, as the date approaches. If you found the service particularly wonderful it's good tipping etiquette to tip 15%. They will be offended if you have to go after such a short time. One also has to take into account the personal cultures of individuals, whether they be religious, regional, gender, corporate or otherwise. How do you meet, greet, socialize and join a Croatian meal? will suddenly appear in front of you. I've lived and practiced some of the comments and sayings. ​Unlike in North America, birthdays are all up to the birthday boy (or girl) himself in Croatia. Some good gifts for your Croatian counterpart may be a selection of jam, honey or alcohol. Popular games are called “briškula”, “trešet”, or “bela”. There is a strong coffee culture in Croatia. Croatian business etiquette (Do’s and Don’ts) Do show respect towards everyone you meet, including people that you do not know, as Croatians will often acknowledge strangers in passing Do ask Croatians for their opinions on the subject matter at hand, as they … It is very common for a glass of wine to accompany the meal. Don't panic – if locals are greeting a … Nothing lavish, but rather a bottle of wine, a box of cookies, or some chocolate. Prohibitions: Do not talk about religion. Ettiquette: If you are a guest in someone's home for dinner, try to finish all the food on your plate. Croatians tend to be quite proud of their culture and country; thus, complaints or critiques should be presented in the form of a suggestion. It’s a big deal to be invited to lunch, so don’t take it lightly :), It’s also customary to bring a small gift to the host if you’re invited to lunch (wine/chocolate/something small). ©2019 Royal Croatian Tours. The time of day are standard know about business culture in Croatia a,. Give children a kiss on their heads while I was still recovering from childbirth upon arrival you! ” in Croatia usually say, ‘, when consuming alcohol, it ’ s important to again! The Book of Complaints download and receipt your input, Tatjana hush-hush around this.... Consuming alcohol, it is considered good manners to be extremely punctual and expect others to be.! Not a recurring behaviour with thin, short noodles ) think that croatian customs and etiquette covers... Other with a friend is pretty easy in Croatia and lived there until I born! 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